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04 January 2007

Never mind researching the gay gene...

While initially horrified by this item... (and the full report is much more disturbing than my blurb here) -- I'm gonna have to file this one under, "Walk a mile in my combat boots... and then judge me." --
Parents of a severely disabled girl in the US have revealed that they are keeping her child-sized in order to give her a better life.

The nine-year-old, named Ashley, has the mental ability of a three-month-old baby and cannot walk or talk.

Along with hormone doses to limit her growth, Ashley's parents also opted for surgery to block breast growth and had her uterus and appendix removed.

They say the treatment will help to improve her quality of life.
I think you also have to bear in mind that, unless one or both of Ashley's parents are doctors... this course of action was likely proposed by an outside professional with medical knowledge and expertise.

I can't, and more importantly, choose not to judge, or second guess these folk.

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