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03 January 2007

Islamic Gender-Bender

Possibly one of the bravest men in Pakistan...
A real woman could not possibly do what Mr. Saleem does. And taking on the guise of a married woman — whose virtue is crucial to her whole family — would be equally impossible.

But apparently a cross-dressing man pretending to be a widow is another matter entirely. It is something of a mystery why a man who openly acknowledges he is bisexual is a sensation here.
I'm just trying to imagine the pitch meeting... I sure wouldn't have seen this one coming.

SIDENOTE: And then there's this
MULTAN, Pakistan -- Outraged in-laws slashed the nose and ears of a college student who married a woman without the consent of her higher caste family, and then fractured his legs with blows from an ax, police and the victim said yesterday.

They also slit his brother's ears and shot his mother in the thigh, he said.

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