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02 January 2007

Raging leftbot blows a gasket

It seems CC likes to dish it out... but he sure can throw a hissy fit when it comes to taking it...
I think we can safely consign that blog, and its worthless hack of an owner, to the dustbin of history.
Already famous for such literary gems as his tour-de-force regarding Small Dead Animals, titled, "Kate, you ignorant slut"... CC claims he had to "sandblast my soup cracker" over this post.

But this philosopher-wordsmith doesn't leave off there. He ever so subtly works in a reference to "lynching blacks" when referring to the question in my original post.

Man... poetry and wisdom, this guy's got it all.

Watch out Ernest Hemingway... here comes CC.

IRONY UPDATE: Thanks to pottymouth CC, I'm getting more traffic now than on the original post. I'd like to return the favour by pointing out CC's latest magnum opus " Whiny-ass titty babies, the lot of them"

He's so cute.

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