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02 January 2007

I'm no lawyer, but...

If we're tossing out the sole "two people... one man, one woman" legal definition of parents... doesn't this mean that any number and combination of people can apply to be the "legal parents" of a child... and if not, why not?
-- TORONTO -— An Ontario boy can legally have two mothers and a father, the province's highest court ruled Tuesday.

The same-sex partner of the child's biological mother went to court seeking to also be declared a mother of the boy.
It's hard to imagine that the courts could now, similarly but reciprocally, rule against, say, Muslims in polygamous marriages... or even a group of people in a commune wanting to be collective parents of all the kids in their self-defined group.

Not that there's anything wrong with 7 dads and 15 moms...

UPDATE: Liberal Attorney-General Michael Bryant is M.I.A.

Smells like... no new taxes, Hydro payoff, Caledonia...
“The government was not a party and did not intervene in this case, but the Ministry of the Attorney-General is reviewing the decision,” he said Wednesday. “And while we are reviewing the decision, we won't be making any further comment.”

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