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01 January 2007

Or if Idealism seems old-fashioned...

You could go with realpolitik...
To be sure, the alternative to the jihad boys is a bunch of thugs. But that's the reality of much of the map today: a choice between being an outpost of the global jihad, or a patchwork quilt of warlords, or a bit of both with some feeble, half-hearted multilateral force mediating between the two.
Or the media's interpretation thereof...
Still, there is somthing weird about the fact that a Google search for "Richard Perle" and "Iraq war" pulls up 281,000 entries - while a similar search for "Meghan O'Sullivan" and "Iraq war" pulls up 180.

Meghan O'Sullivan, for those of you who don't know, is the National Security Council senior director with responsibility for Iraq and Afghanistan.

How is it that so many in the media show so much more interest in a group that supported the war than they do in the group that actually ran the war?
Make up your own mind. It's important not to simply run with the sheeple.

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