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05 January 2007

Lumbering giant still (Hi) Deaf

Raise your hand if you've got... or ever seen, a Betamax VCR -- uh-huh, that's what I thought...
Do you remember how Sony lost the Betamax-VHS battle in the past, because they didn’t want to allow adult movies on their proprietary format? It seems they did not learn too much from that lesson.

LG announced recently a dual-format HD player, which will be fully compatible with both HD DVD and Blu Ray discs.

LG’s move in the HD war and the hacking of the AACS protection could mean a premature end for one of Sony’s most ambitious projects.
Another case of a large entity... the "natural marketing corporation", if you will... believing they can simply impose their agenda on the masses. Well, sheeple notwithstanding... you can't get away with that sort of thing forever.

The smart money's gonna be shortin' Sony for the next little while. What about you?

UPDATE: Speaking of arrogant and stubborn

Steffi tries channeling Dirty Harry...
Dion had told Khan to choose between his party and the Conservatives. He said Khan could not continue serving as Harper's 'special adviser' and remain a Liberal.
I guess Wajid Khan was "feeling lucky."

And guess who gets punk'd?

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