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05 January 2007

Problem of Palestinian violence solved

Who knew... all they had to do was ask nicely.
-- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and PM Ismail Haniya have agreed to urge armed men from their rival Fatah and Hamas factions to leave Gaza's streets.
Of course, I'm willing to bet dollars to dead bodies, this latest proposed "ceasefire" will be shorter than one of Sting's famous transcendental, tantric bouts of conjugal ecstasy.

Funnily enough, the call for a halt to violence comes, coincidentally I'm sure, as assassins from both factions start working their way up the food chain.

In any case, it will be very small beer for one Fatah bigwig...
The Abbas-Haniya meeting took place after a very senior figure in a security service linked to Fatah, Col Mohammed Ghayeb, was killed when gunmen attacked his home, Fatah officials said.

"They are targeting the house. For God's sake, send an ambulance." Four of his bodyguards also died, and his wife was wounded.
UPDATE: "I've got it... let's kill Jews instead"
Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh (Hamas), freshly returned from making the Hajj to Saudi Arabia, Thursday urged both his Hamas terrorists and PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah terrorists to stop shooting at each other and save their bullets for use against the Jews.

Unsurprisingly Abbas – feted by the world as a “moderate” – has not denounced Haniyeh’s proposal that their people join forces to kill Israelis instead of fighting each other.

His silence is expected to encourage a new outbreak of terrorism against Israel.
SURPRISE, SURPRISE: Ix-nay on the urder-may...

Looks like there may be a breakdown in communications here. Maybe there's a problem with testosterone fuelled belligerence, or thoughtless, insensitive words... in any case, it ain't pretty.

Apparently confusing the western expression, "seeing eye to eye", with the biblical injunction, "an eye for an eye"... Hamas and Fatah are back to slicing and dicing each other at every available opportunity.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday declared Hamas' militia in the Gaza Strip illegal, and the Islamic movement responded by defiantly announcing plans to double the size of the paramilitary unit.
How about we let infamous big-talkin' peacenik Taliban Jack Layton step in and fix this thing forever more?

Maybe Jack can show these guys, "the third way."

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