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02 November 2006

Homegrown Terrorist

Abdullah Khadr... not so proud Canadian.

The United States is looking to extradite this man. I don't understand why we let him, or his family, back into the country.

A few Khadr facts:

His father Ahmed Khadr, a Bin-Laden associate, stole funds from aid programs and gave them to Al-Qaeda. The father was later killed in a gunbattle with Pakistani security forces.

His brother Omar is in prison at Guantanamo Bay... he killed a US soldier.

His brother Abdurahman got a walk from authorities after ratting out his fellow terrorists.

His brother Abdul Karim was paralyzed in the same gun battle that killed his father. He and his mother were quick to return to Canada so that Adul could get free medical care.
Abdullah Khadr used a global positioning system to measure the distance between the home of the Pakistani Prime Minister and a graveyard from where a missile attack was to be staged by al-Qaeda operatives, according to newly filed court documents.

During the more than two hours that Mr. Khadr chatted with Sgt. Shourie in Canada, he spoke of his ability to make bombs, his ties to militant fighters and plans to sell Russian-made surface-to-air missiles.
Note that then Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien himself, worked to spring Khadr senior from a Pakistani prison in 1996.
Chretien personally intervened on behalf of Khadr during a 1996 state visit to Pakistan. The suspected Egyptian Islamic Jihad terrorist was released shortly after Chretien's diplomatic lobbying campaign.
A fact that's curiously missing from the "INDEPTH" CBC reportage.

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