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02 November 2006

CAIR threatens Macleans magazine

Didn't we hear accusations just this week about how the Blogging Tories were being unduly influenced by the Conservative Party?

So why isn't it a big hairy ball deal, when the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations gives explicit directions and talking points, that include threatening to cancel magazine subscriptions, if Macleans won't censor author Mark Steyn?
(Ottawa, Canada – Oct 31, 2006) The Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CAN) is asking all people of conscience to write to Maclean’s Magazine.


1. Write a 150 word letter to Maclean’s Magazine for print.

2. Or submit a two to three paragraph letter to the Maclean’s editorial board.

When writing it is critical to keep Maclean’s readership in mind and maintain a style that is calm and convincing, but firm.


1. The article entitled “The Future belongs to Islam” is inflammatory and offensive. It does little to build bridges, it simply divides people.

2. It would be appreciated if such provocative articles are not given space and if Maclean’s maintains a balanced editorial policy.

3. Maclean’s in the past was an authoritative and respectable voice for Canadians; however, today’s Maclean’s is clearly breaking away from this tradition.

4. If Maclean’s Magazine continues to publish such articles, I will consider not renewing my subscription.

The instructions are fairly precise... back off on the usual fulminating references to "pigs & apes of zionism", and try not to get too hysterical, or threatening.

So let me get this straight... CAIR is basically saying, "If Macleans won't censor Mark Steyn, we'll do what we can to damage the company financially."

While this may be an acceptable tactic in some parts of the world, I think it brings a whole new meaning to the term "dirty pool".

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