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02 November 2006

The China Syndrome

There are dozens of reasons not to like the way the Chinese run their country.

Among them... the way they ruthlessly crush anyone attempting to speak up about democracy, the alleged trade in organs of executed political prisoners and the fact that they have made an international industry out of selling (female only, mind you) babies.

It is a thoroughly abhorrent regime and despite all the talk of the 'emerging market' in China, the world should be dealing with this, at minimum, in at least the same fashion as it did with South Africa.

Be that as it may, the threat of avian flu being the next worldwide pandemic, could end up directly affecting you and your family.
The World Health Organization aimed a broadside at the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture on Wednesday, blasting it for not alerting the global community about a new variant of the worrisome H5N1 avian flu virus, for hoarding virus samples and for not doing enough to contain the spread of H5N1 in poultry.

In an interview from Beijing, the WHO's top representative for China also suggested the ministry may be selectively reporting findings of H5N1 in poultry, only advising international authorities of large outbreaks.
Statistically, there is a way bigger chance that you will be killed by the next outbreak of avian flu, than clobbered by a North Korean nuclear ballistic missile, or a rabid Islamoterrorist.

But that isn't what you see in the mainstream media.


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