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07 March 2021

Meet Ayatollah Abbas Tabrizian:

The perils of only ever reading one book your entire life...
“Don’t go near those who have had the COVID vaccine. They have become homosexuals.”
The radical Islamist has nearly 210,000 followers on his Telegram account.
RELATED: Math is hard, right Barbie?
More than 90 per cent of severely ill coronavirus patients in Germany have a 'migrant background', a leading doctor has said, prompting claims that the government is turning a blind eye to the issue to avoid igniting a race row.
Thomas Voshaar, the head doctor at a German lung hospital, said a survey of leading medics had found that many of the sickest patients were what he described as 'patients with communications barriers'.
Switzerland has narrowly voted in favour of banning face coverings in public, including the burka or niqab worn by Muslim women.
Official results showed the measure had passed by 51.2% to 48.8% in Sunday's referendum.