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08 March 2021


What happens when Justin decides nobody should own private vehicles anymore?insert alt text here
We have something in Canada called CPIC. It’s a database run by the RCMP, and it checks every individual gun owner each 24 hours for new crime that they have committed.
Farmers, hunters & skeet shooters should not be at the top of the threat list.

You're not worried about what's coming down the turnpike? 

RELATED:  FWIW... even gun-toting gangbangers get bail
Pastor James Coates, the pastor of Grace Life Church, will remain imprisoned for the next eight weeks until his trial date.
Here's a question for PM Care Bear... "Are Christian Ministers more dangerous than violent criminals?"
"Charter freedoms do not disappear because the government declares regular church services to be outlawed while allowing hundreds of people to fill their local Walmarts."
For the record, I'm an atheist... but will someone explain why the Trudeau government is declaring war on Christian clergy?