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10 February 2021

Just a cotton-pickin' second, Mr Mayor...

...that sounds a little racist to me...insert alt text here
TORONTO - “Elevated levels of gang activity are behind a recent spike in violent crime in Toronto" that saw three people shot to death in a little over a 24-hour span, says Mayor John Tory.
ALSO JOHN TORY: Both sides of his mouth...
“I think that kind of talk about sort of, you know, where this all arises from, or sort of who’s to blame, is not very constructive.”
Until, you know... people start falling like bowling pins. 

RELATED: Families of dead beg to differ
"Samuel Berchie said his son Michael may have been meeting a new girlfriend and was killed in a case of mistaken identity."
There appears to be a bit of that going around...
Toronto Police Homicide Det-Sgt Ted Lioumanis said they are considering whether the murder of Hashim Omar Hashi may have been a case of “mistaken identity.”