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17 February 2021

In Justin Trudeau's "Post-National state...

...we don't actually target criminals... because, well... you know...insert alt text here
There’s more, but you get the idea. It’s all very impressive sounding, isn’t it?  And they’re clearly all hammering the same message: this legislation will make you and your family safer.
The problem, of course, is that it’s nonsense. All of it.


"Where do you take all the white people who get shot?"
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The government is misleading the Canadian people. And most Canadians won’t know enough about guns to realize it.
When you set aside all this duplication of existing rules and regulations, and the Liberals’ relentless self-puffery, what you’re left with is … basically nothing.
I'm with comedian Chris Rock...
"I pray that this event ends global warming the same way that Live Aid ended world hunger."
RELATED: Forget "lovable, funny, and friendly"... 

 If my 14 year old daughter was entertaining armed thugs at 3am on a weekday morning... I wouldn't be commenting either, brah...
"Alyssa Driscoll's father Brandon said he can't comment right now when asked about the gun and who else was in the apartment that night."
No snitches in this crib!

LAST WORD: Proof... meet Pudding

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Twenty of the 23 weapons tweeted since Jan 1. were handguns, and all but one — a Glock 19 — were prohibited.
Criminals don't give a rats ass about laws.