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04 September 2020

Why can't Canada be more like...

...the idyllic, pastoral Muslim Middle-East?insert alt text hereGotta have priorities... right, Mo?
Earlier this week Ryerson President and Vice-Chancellor, Mohamed Lachemi, announced the creation of a task force to examine Egerton Ryerson’s history and relationship to the university.

In a press release Wednesday, Lachemi called that “just one step in the university’s journey toward reconciliation.”
Ol' Mo seems pretty reconciled to cashing those tainted racist cheques...
"Last year, Ryerson president Mohamed Lachemi made 8.4 times more than the average Ryerson grad can expect to make following graduation. Lachemi, the highest-paid person at Ryerson, made $410,475.04."
But, let's get back to business...
In June, recent Ryerson graduate Maaz Khan started a petition to have Egerton Ryerson’s statue removed.
Yeah, let's go after the unenlightened "thought criminal" who was born in 1803. (Speaking of centuries past, still no word from Buckingham Palace on my "Highland Clearances Reparations" payout.)

Hey, Maaz... how about you start a petition to discuss "hoax hate crimes?"
insert alt text here
Or we could talk terrorism.

RELATED: Fixing what's wrong with Canada... first-grader at a time...
TORONTO — While flipping through his six-year-old son’s new student planner Monday night, Jaak Purres was shocked to see some pretty heavy words jump out at him: sex worker, female genital mutilation, Palestinian solidarity.

“It’s just bizarre,” said the outraged dad. “He’s six. I want him to enjoy being six.”