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14 August 2020

You get the government...

...that you deserve...insert alt text here
If it was a Hezbollah rocket plant then was it a workplace accident or sabotage? The one thing we do know is that the MV Rhosus is sunk on its side, still tethered to the dock.

There remain far too many unanswered questions and, it seems, little likelihood we will get any answers in future.
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) – "Rioters on rooftops and streets threw stones, eggs and fireworks at police overnight during a second night of unrest in a low-income neighbourhood of The Hague, Dutch police said Friday."
Seattle BLM protesters march through residential neighborhoods and demand white people give up their homes.

“Give up your house. Give Black people back their homes.”

"What are you going to do about it? Open up your wallets.