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15 August 2020

About as Canadian as...

...Female Genital Mutilation...insert alt text hereTwo immigrants, two dreams. One survivor.

Imagine the irony & heartbreak. You move halfway round the world to give your family a margin of safety and a future... only to be murdered by this madman.

More "professional" South Africa... little less Sudan?insert alt text hereCould we maybe be a little more selective about the people we let loose in the larger field of folk?

Pressed by the judge, Mabiour said, "I didn't remember everything because I'm sick. I need a doctor." He then laughed.
Hey, it worked for Vince Li...
WINNIPEG • "A man who was found not criminally responsible for beheading and cannibalizing a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus has been granted his freedom."
LAST WORD: Diversity makes us strong!
"German police have arrested a 38-year-old Afghan asylum seeker on suspicion of beating his 33-year-old wife to death in front of their five underage children."
From the comments...

"Hard to believe he found the time off from his aerospace engineering job to do this."