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08 August 2020

"Obesity Canada?" That's a thing?

If there is no "rock-bottom," you can just keep falling...insert alt text here
The guideline, which was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal on Tuesday, specifically admonished weight-related stigma against patients in the health system, said Ximena Ramos-Salas, Director of Research and Policy at Obesity Canada and one of the guideline's authors

"The dominant cultural narrative regarding obesity fuels assumptions about personal irresponsibility and lack of willpower and casts blame and shame upon people living with obesity."
Wait for it...
The rate of obesity has tripled over the past three decades in Canada.
Shshhh... we don't want to hurt anybody's feelings.

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"Nobody needs that kind of forkpower," said one lawyer. "We will get justice for the obvious cause of this epidemic of deaths: the guys who make the utensils."