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08 August 2020

Because I can't throw a rock...

...1155 feet per second...insert alt text here
Michael Lacy and Jeff Manishen argued that the Appeal Court's decision "fundamentally" changed self-defence in Canada and leaves homeowners with no option but to call police and cower.

"In the face of the Court of Appeal's interpretation of self-defence, the only reasonable thing to do is call the police, cower in the darkness under our beds and hope help arrives before the criminal invades our home and kills us and our loved ones."
Apparently, the Supremes think it's a discussion worth having...
On Thursday, the country's highest court released its decision, saying the application for leave to appeal from Khill's legal team had been granted.
RELATED: Who were the only two people...
...Nova Scotia spree killer Gabriel Wortman didn't get to murder on his walkabout?