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26 June 2020

When Socialism goes wrong...

...and, for the record... it always does...insert alt text here
“What happened last night in Madison was far from peaceful and exceedingly dangerous,” Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway said in the statement posted Wednesday on her government website.

“People attacked a State Senator who championed workers’ rights in 2011 and tore down a statue of an abolitionist who died trying to end slavery during the Civil War."

"They attempted to set fire to a building with dozens of people inside.”
Oh, suck it up Comrade!


Right under your nose
Time travel with me... to 2011...

"More than 450 people were arrested and 60 police officers were hurt. A statement from Scotland Yard described the disturbances as 'unprecedented in recent history.'"
It's been a generation in the making, but handing over the reins of education to pallid me-bot communists may not have been such a great idea after all.

RELATED: Follow the money

Why is it that all these "Socialist Heroes" seem to have such comfortable lives?