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21 June 2020

Whatever Canadian values...

...used to be... this isn't it...
Sources say the GTA towing industry has attracted some hard-core established organized groups, including bikers with Hells Angels ties in the east end, and as newly-arrived immigrant groups in the west.
So says the commie-pinko Toronto Star.



Obviously all Canadians are racist...
A separate video of a group of people who are apparently family members of the man appeared online Sunday morning.

“They shot him in the back five times.”
Sure they did. Let's hear you say that under oath.

But wait... it gets better...
"Even though his uncle was holding a knife, Hashim said the police's decision to shoot him does not make sense."
Sorry, bruh... "refusing to drop a weapon"...knife, gun, hammer... is literally the gold standard definition of when you can light some crazy fucker up.

UPDATE: The usual, well... you know...
"In a statement, the Muslim Council of Peel said a disproportionate number of racialized people including Black, Indigenous and Muslim individuals are victims of police shootings in Canada and Peel Region."
Maybe the Muslim Council could weigh in on this one, too?