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21 June 2020

If only it fit some obvious sort...

...of recurring pattern...

PM Boris promises action ••• "IF there are lessons that we need to learn."insert alt text here
READING, England (AP) — A stabbing rampage in Britain that killed three people as they sat in a park on a summer evening is being considered a terrorist attack, British police said Sunday as a 25-year-old believed to be the lone attacker was in custody.

“Motivation for this horrific act is far from certain,” said Neil Basu, Britain’s top counterterrorism police officer.
Good ol' Neil... he's not that bright, but he is consistent...insert alt text here
"It appears to have been a deliberate act, but what the motive was we can’t answer at the moment."
UPDATE: Live and don't learn... and die
The attack "doesn't seem right for Reading", said Marie Castro who works at a local coffee shop. "It's multicultural and really friendly. I was really shocked when I heard the news".
UPDATE2: I blame St. Ignatius Loyola...
"Terror suspect Khairi Saadallah, 25, accused of stabbing three people to death and seriously injuring three others in an attack in Reading fled Libya seven years ago.

Saadallah was granted refugee status in the UK because he said he feared Islamists, and later converted to Christianity."
UPDATE3: No warning signs whatsoever...
A neighbour, who gave his named only as Adam, told the Sun that Saadallah had been 'in and out of prison.' A few months ago he threw his TV off the balcony and started smashing up his flat."
LAST WORD: Murder victims identified