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15 June 2020

Pretty Ballsy Move...

...for a country that has an official Car-B-Q season.

France... who saw that coming?

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Amid calls for taking down statues tied to France’s slave trade or colonial wrongs, Macron said “the republic will not erase any trace, or any name, from its history ... it will not take down any statue.”

“We should look at all of our history together with lucidity” including relations with Africa, with a goal of “truth” instead of “denying who we are,” Macron said.
Come to think of it... I don't see Italy apologising for the excesses of the Roman Empire... or this guy...
Milan Mayor Giuseppe Sala on Sunday resisted calls to remove the statue of the late Indro Montanelli, who had acknowledged having had a 12-year-old Eritrean bride during Italy’s colonial occupation in the 1930s. Protesters covered the statue with red paint and scrawled “racist” and “rapist” on the base.
Child bride, child bride... that sounds so familiar...
"Is it true that Muhammad married a child bride by the name of Ayesha when he was 53 and she was 9 years old?"
Let the looting and mindless violence commence!