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15 June 2020

And Winston Churchill Wept

"BEND IT LIKE EDDARD!"insert alt text here
An English police force has suggested that officers ‘take the knee’ during Black Lives Matter protests in order to avoid unwanted attention from the leftist activists, a move which Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage described as “insanity mixed with cowardice”.

The act of kneeling before Black Lives Matter protesters was first seen in America and was later picked up by top members of the Democratic Party establishment, who kneeled in the Capitol Building in ‘solidarity’ with the BLM movement.
As Churchill once NEVER EVER said...
"If we just keep our heads down, perhaps that Hitler chappie won't notice us."
RELATED: BLM Toronto was unavailable for commentinsert alt text here
Toronto Police are now offering a $75,000 reward to anyone who provides information leading to the arrest of T’Quan Robertson.

Robertson is wanted in connection with a brazen daylight shooting at a Scarborough playground that left two young girls injured two years ago.
LAST WORD: "I coulda' bin a contenda'"