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01 June 2020

Don't shoot the messenger...

...or anyone else for that matter...insert alt text here
"The Hennepin County Medical Examiner conducted Mr. Floyd’s autopsy on May 26, 2020."

"The full report of the ME is pending but the ME has made the following preliminary findings. The autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."

"Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease."
Only a sociopath wants to see someone die, but it seems to me that resisting arrest is always a bad idea... and that applies even more emphatically if you have an iffy ticker.


UPDATE:"You better shop around"

Don't like the official autopsy report? Just go out and buy your own...
“Sustained pressure on the right side of Mr. Floyd’s carotid artery impeded blood flow to the brain, and weight on his back impeded his ability to breathe,” said the report by medical examiners hired by Floyd’s family.
Apparently, science is a little more subjective than I was brought up to believe.


Just my two cents. Of course, there's a much larger issue at play here...
"Today’s disclosure of the Medical Examiner’s preliminary findings reminds us why lynch mobs have always been a bad idea, and calls for overnight justice are nearly always misguided."
That being said, George Floyd is certainly a more acceptable poster child for police malfeasance than the last guy the "community" tried to beatify...insert alt text here
"Alton Sterling was the stuff of your worst nightmares, guys. It's why you all have gated mansions and round the clock bodyguards."
And what about "Gentle Giant" Michael Brown?


LAST WORD: It's not about "feelings"... me the actual evidence...
I feel about the Zimmerman/Trayvon case the way I’ve felt about life since about 5 minutes into my first day at nursery school: "Holy shit: Everyone here is an idiot."