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01 June 2020

Anarchy, violence... a lefty's wet dream

You ever wondered why some folks feel the need to own a firearm... wonder no more...insert alt text here
Police arrested 27-year-old Samantha Shader, of Catskill, for allegedly throwing a Molotov cocktail into a police van with officers inside. She was charged with attempted murder.

Approximately 250 people were arrested, six officers suffered non-life-threatening injuries and roughly a dozen police vehicles were damaged.

While Sunday’s demonstrations started peacefully, they once again took a violent turn for the fourth straight night. Throughout the weekend, cameras captured fires, vandalism and looting.
That's funny... no more hysterical argle-bargle about social distancing...insert alt text here
In New York City, to appear tough on the lockdowns, Mayor Bill de Blasio singled out the “Jewish community” for gathering outside for a funeral and had the police break up a session of 60 people at a Yeshiva school in Brooklyn.

But he has allowed riots, featuring thousands of people in close proximity, clashing violently with police, with only scattered use of masks.
Rioting, burning, looting... we've seen this before.