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09 May 2020

Obviously, confiscating "restricted" rifles...

...from privileged middle-aged white guys will totally eliminate all that savage gun crime...insert alt text here
A 15-year-old boy has been charged with murder and attempted murder in January's shooting at a downtown Ottawa Airbnb. Earlier this week, police released a photo of a handgun with a silencer that was believed to have been used in Akol's death.

Manyok Akol, 18, was murdered, shot in the eye on Jan. 8 as he slept in the Gilmour Street rental unit. Akol had already survived a shooting in August 2019 before his death.

Two other adults, Akol's cousin, age 19 & another man, age 20 were also shot, while a different 15-year-old boy was taken to CHEO.
It's a mystery why this young man was targ... sweet baby jebus...
"A video with other Ritchie Street rappers also simulates a white powder being cooked over a stove."
Yeah... "simulates"... let's go with that.


RELATED: Canadian "rappers"... that sounds so familiar
Jerome Almon, the owner of Murdercap Records... says, "Canada just isn't playing fair."
Correlation? Causation? I blame the National Rapper Association!


LAST WORD: Shooting at the wrong target

It's a complicated, expensive solution to a problem that simply doesn't exist...insert alt text here
"If we pursue our policy of regulating crime by strictly regulating gun availability to the general public we can reasonably expect that .0023% of our efforts will affect guns used in homicide and 99.997% of our effort will be wasted."