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19 April 2020

Post-National Broadcaster can't resist...

...a good "Police Death Squad" headline... but what actually happened here?insert alt text here
At a news conference on Saturday, Winnipeg Police Service Chief Danny Smyth said officers responded to a gun call on Adsum Drive near Pipeline Road around 4 a.m.

A resident putting out his garbage was confronted by two armed males who tried to rob him. The man was assaulted but was able to run away and call 911.
Let's retitle this one... "Good Shoot, Good Riddance."

Of course, it was always thus...
One witness said THE VICTIM HAD A KNIFE on board the bus.

The victim? THE VICTIM!!!?
In other "Just Desserts" news... Rock, Paper, Scissors... Gun... I win!
"According to Le Parisien, the 25-year-old had refugee status in France, but that was due to expire on the 26th of April. He had first attempted to claim asylum in Austria in 2018 but was rejected."

LAST WORD: Hey CBC... here's something you can investigate...
It seems David Suzuki has expensive tastes for someone who wants to shut down the carbon economy within a generation. His primary residence is valued at around $8,200,000.00.