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03 March 2020

Remember back... you were a kid...

...and Security guards were absolutely everywhere?insert alt text hereYEAH... ME NEITHER.
"Nothing says 'safe city' like the guarded wall of electronic security inside City Hall. Toronto’s municipal headquarters has become a gated fortress, thanks to $350,000 from taxpayers."

"So much for that safe-city spin. Not safe enough to have an open foyer at City Hall anymore."
And that's on top of the "diversity bollards" from 2017...
"Council did, however, approve new vehicle mitigation measures for Nathan Phillips Square during its meeting on Friday."
Hmmm... sounds like somebody is "building a wall."


So Mike Harris actually had a "zero-tolerance for violence in schools" policy in place to cover exactly this type of situation... but the McSlippery Liberals repealed it back in 2007.

Because racism.