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04 March 2020

Stand by for another episode of...

..."Justin fixes the World"...insert alt text here
The Trudeau government might be promising to crack down on civilian guns owners with increased paperwork and tougher storage laws, but it turns out the feds can’t even keep track of their own guns.

Researcher Dennis Young discovered through access to information documents that between 2005 and 2019, 640 firearms were reported lost and 173 were reported stolen by the government.
Justin's latest boogeyman is "Assault style" military weapons.

What's next... "Country style Donuts?"


RELATED: How long have the Libranos...

...been singing this tired old song?insert alt text here
And the sad truth of this situation is that you can't legislate sanity. What you could do though, is stop making up scary stories and exploiting a tragedy to win yourself some votes.
It's all relative, though... isn't it?