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16 March 2020

Justin fixes the World...

...Episode 49...insert alt text here
"The government of Canada has formally notified the United Nations that Canada's laws will not be in compliance with a treaty meant to stop rich countries from shipping their hazardous waste to poor countries.

The federal government's request for a delay is the latest manifestation of a yawning gap between the Trudeau government's actions and its efforts to present itself as a leader on plastic waste and oceans."
Well, that doesn't sound good...
"Throughout the past year Canada opposed changes that would close the recycling loophole, despite heavy lobbying by environmental groups, including the Basel Action Network."

"It's an embarrassment for us," said Myra Hird, a professor of environmental studies at Queen's University and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. "Canada is very much behind the curve on this."
Remember, this is the guy who's gonna save you from the Wuhan virus.


RELATED: But, but, but... that's Trumpish racism!insert alt text here
OTTAWA — "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Canada is now denying entry to nearly everyone who isn’t a Canadian citizen or permanent resident but Americans are exempt from that ban."