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16 March 2020

Guess what, Canada?

OLD... PEOPLE... DIE...insert alt text here
VICTORIA - "British Columbia has recorded three more deaths from COVID-19, all of them stemming from a long-term care home in North Vancouver where the first death in Canada was reported."

"There has been a cluster of cases at the Lynn Valley Care Centre, where a man in his 80s with pre-existing health conditions died on March 8."
Let me just say that again... "a man in his 80s with pre-existing health conditions." And now three of his compadres? Or maybe this just isn't a primo, tier 1 facility. Did they autopsy these unfortunate octogenarians?

This isn't ebola, folks. Shit on a cracker... this isn't even the flu.

Bear with me here. There was an interview today on CBC Radio with Dr. Richard Schabas, former Chief Medical Officer for Hastings & Prince Edward counties.

When Dr. Schabas pointed out that 4,000 Canadians die every year from plain old generic flu, the CBC talking head immediately cut him off and segued to a more compliant bit with a Liberal politician.

You're being conned, people... bigtime.

Ask yourself... what other lies are they feeding me?


Ontario has recorded the first death of someone who had contracted the coronavirus, although it’s not clear the person actually died as a result of the virus.

The 77-year-old man from Muskoka was a close contact of an existing case and had underlying medical conditions. His contraction of the COVID-19 virus was only discovered after his death.