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03 January 2020

Those crazy, homicidal Parisians

Another vacation destination off the list...insert alt text here
One man was killed and two other people seriously injured in a knife attack by an unidentified assailant in the Paris suburb of Villejuif on Friday.

The man who died was an elderly local man who tried to defend his wife, who was stabbed in the neck and is described as being in critical condition in hospital.

Police shot dead the assailant, who has not been identified. The motive is still unknown. The attacker apparently stabbed people at random in the Hautes-Bruyères park.
So, what's the deal here?
Loïc Travers, a police union spokesman, said: “No one can be sure at this stage whether this was a terrorist act.”

Witnesses told Le Parisien newspaper that the attacker shouted “Allahu Akhbar” as he lunged at passers-by.

UPDATE: "Elements linked to religion"...
Terrorist knifeman, 22, wearing a fake explosive vest and 'shouting Allahu Akbar' is shot dead in Paris after stabbing three people and 'killing a 56-year-old man who was trying to protect his wife.'

He was not being tracked as a religious zealot, although 'elements linked to religion' that 'suggested he had converted to Islam' were found among his personal effects,

Two other victims have been rushed to Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital and remain in a 'critical condition.'
Yup... it's a mystery.