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04 January 2020

" the company you keep..."

So... who's on Team Occasional-Cortex?insert alt text here
President Trump engaged in an “act of war” by issuing the airstrike that killed Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani, wrote Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Friday.
And don't you forget it, babycakes.

Maybe she should stick to chasing cow farts.

Phillip Smyth, an expert at the Washington Institute on Iran-controlled Shia militias and the Middle East, recently called Soleimani’s death a “major blow” to the Iranian regime.

“It’s an incredible two-fer,” he commented. “This is another one of those old hands. These guys don’t grow on trees. It takes time.”

LAST WORD: Well, we know which side AOC is on
What exactly is the Iranian Quds Force?

In May 2011, discussions began secretly in Mexico between a known Los Zetas associate and Quds Force operative Manssor Arbabsiar. The discussion would lead to planning a C-4 detonation at a Washington, D.C. restaurant.

Over the course of a few months, several clandestine meetings in Mexico planned strikes against the Israeli Embassy in Washington, plus the Saudi and Israeli Embassies in Argentina.

New opium trafficking lanes between the Middle East and Mexico were also charted.