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01 January 2020

From the folks who brought us...

...the butchery at Benghazi...insert alt text here
The Obama bigfoots have good reason to lay low. The U.S. embassy in Iraq was attacked by one of the people they'd tried to coddle earlier, back in 2011, Hadi Farhan al-Amiri • a guy so bad even a former FBI director, Louis Freeh, spoke out against letting the guy in at the time.

It's not like this guy pretended to be a friend and then went bad on them. They knew. And they let him in, giving him lots of clout back home from which he was able to draw new terrorist resources, since terrorism was what he did.
Don't get me started on the New York Times...insert alt text here
"Hundreds of 'Iraqi mourners' tried to storm the United States Embassy in Baghdad, shouting “Down, down USA!,” in response to deadly American airstrikes this week that killed 25 'fighters'."
Well, they were actually chanting 'Death to America!'... but I guess I'm just being picky.