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01 January 2020

Happy New Year

Who knows what 2020 might bring?

As for New Years Eve itself... let's take a little trip...
FRANCE • Authorities have previously refrained from reporting on the number of torched cars on New Year's Eve after it was discovered that a district-by-district breakdown was fuelling destructive competition between rival gangs.

Extra police are regularly deployed in "sensitive areas" in the the city's "poorer neighbourhoods" on specific nights of the year to try to prevent the blazes.
So many ways to avoid saying "the M word."

Over in the Fatherland...
GERMANY - The Berlin police department had an additional 2000 officers on duty, on top of the regular number of officers. Two hours into the new year, by 2:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Police had already responded to 543 emergencies.

At Brandenburg Gate, four individuals were arrested for sexually assaulting women.

The fire brigade was called 1523 times by 6:00 a.m. A total of fifteen badly injured individuals had to be treated. In one case, a person lost an entire hand.
Why can't they be more like Swe... sweet baby jebus!!!
Sweden saw a large rise in the number of explosions and bombings last year, with the Crime Prevention Council (BRÅ) estimating at least 236 incidents in the first 11 months of 2019.

The BRÅ figures are a stark rise from the previous year, where 162 incidents were recorded for all 12 months of 2018, broadcaster SVT reports.
And in peaceful, weed wonderland Holland...
Last year an estimated €15m to €20m worth of damage was caused to private homes and cars during the traditional Dutch New Year firework frenzy and 396 people were taken to hospital with injuries.

Two people died.