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31 July 2019

The only President with balls enough... take on America's most infamous race hustler...insert alt text hereTwo words... Tawana... Brawley...
Al Sharpton has been in the public limelight for just over 30 years – ever since he first burst upon the scene by promoting the fake story of a white-on-black gang rape in upstate New York in 1987.
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
In 1994, Sharpton delivered an incendiary speech at New Jersey’s Kean College, where he said: “We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”
And don't get Al started on those dastardly Joos!!!
Speaking at the funeral of a boy who had been run over by a Hasidic-Jewish driver, Sharpton railed against Jewish “diamond merchants” who did business with apartheid South Africa.

Four days of subsequent rioting by mostly black Crown Heights residents ended with the murder of Yankel Rosenbaum, a visiting Jewish student from Australia.

RCMP quick to point out...

..."they didn't get away on our watch"...insert alt text here
Two Canadian teens who are suspected of at least three murders – including an American woman and her Australian boyfriend – may have escaped from the Manitoba town where they were last seen with "someone who is not police friendly."
Whatever could that mean?

Not the type to cry...

...when they mess up his personal pronouns...
"He immediately went to a bar ’cause he was like, ‘I got bit by a shark,’ and people were like, ‘I’ll buy you drinks.’"

"So he went and hung out at the pier."

30 July 2019

There's a reason we give cops...

...all that artillery & kevlar underoos...insert alt text here
Two women who volunteered for an anti-violence group trying to stop gun violence in Chicago were among those shot to death in weekend violence.

Chantell Grant and Andrea Stoudemire were working as peacekeepers at a corner in Englewood on Friday night when they were shot dead after someone opened fire from an SUV.
In this case, "working as peacekeepers" can be translated as "slaughtered like tethered goats."
Members of the group had vowed four years ago to take back the corner and keep it safe for women and children after a previous murder there.
I imagine Chicago Homicide is busily rounding up local farmers, hunters and skeet shooters as we speak.

MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH:insert alt text here
Police are asking for the public’s assistance after a “sharp spike” in gunfire near the city’s Lawrence Heights neighbourhood over the last two weeks.

According to Toronto police, emergency crews responded to seven separate shootings in and around the community since July 15.

Twitter rescinds "permanent ban"...

...on Lindsay Shepherd...insert alt text here
Twitter first suspended Shepherd after she got into an argument with a notorious trans woman named Jessica Yaniv who has targeted the businesses of immigrant women who refused to wax her male genitals by lodging frivolous human rights complaints and allegedly sexually harassing multiple young girls.
In other "guys who think they're women" news...
"Using the online handle "erratic", Thompson was active on hacker Twitter. It's not clear why Thompson stole the data, but according to Bloomberg, the breach ranks as one of the largest-ever involving a US bank."

Remember back, you were a kid...

...folks would offer up their entire family as a sacrifice to the gods...

YEAH, ME NEITHER.insert alt text here
MARKHAM, Ont. -- Zaman allegedly sent his murder plans, as well as photos of the crime online to another player of the fantasy game Perfect World Void.

First mom, then granny, then sister and lastly dad,” he wrote. His last post said, “the police are here, goodbye.”

UPDATE: Neighbours didn't know shit...
“This is a wonderful family. This is a loving, caring father. It is unbelievable that this has happened to this family.”

RELATED: Markham, Markham... that sounds so familiar...most wanted
MARKHAM, Ont. -- A U.S. government report says a Toronto-area mall is among the most notorious sources of pirated and counterfeit goods in the world.
MARKHAM, Ont. -- The RCMP says it's made the largest seizure of counterfeit money in 20 years after dismantling a plant north of Toronto and finding $4-million in phony cash.
Smell the "Diversity Party"...
MARKHAM, Ont. -- "I'm there not to take sides," John McKay, Liberal MP for Scarborough-Guildwood. Also present were Jim Karygiannis, Liberal MP for Scarborough-Agincourt and Borys Wrzesnewskyj, the Liberal MP representing Etobicoke-Centre and MP Maria Minna.
Gotta put that Tiger in your tank.

Your taxpayer dollars...

...Justin's multimillionaire friends...insert alt text here
Months before the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project was approved a second time, the leadership of the new government-owned pipeline company approved $5 million in future bonuses for top executives and employees to keep them onboard.
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
People who max out their individual donations to both parties are "hedging their bets" ahead of the fall election, according to Duff Conacher, the head of Democracy Watch, an ethics watchdog.

Multiple people on the list made their donations to each party on the same day.

29 July 2019

At Canada's National Broadcaster...

...some shootings are more newsworthy than others...
"The hunt is on for a possible accomplice in Sunday's shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California that left three dead, including a six-year-old boy, after the gunman was killed by police."
Here's a cyclical news item you won't see at the CBC, because, well... "racism"...
"At least 41 people were shot, nine fatally, over the weekend in gun-controlled Chicago."
Don't get me started on Baltimore.


RELATED: Let's talk Justice
Among the five scheduled executions are the white supremacist murderer Cotton mentioned, a man who tortured and murdered his two-year-old daughter, and a man convicted of murdering five people.

LAST WORD: Diversity is our streng... sweet baby jebus...
An eight-year-old boy has died after he and his mother were deliberately pushed on to train tracks at Frankfurt’s main railway station, German police have said.

The boy was hit by a high-speed ICE train and killed instantly.

Police said the suspect is believed to be from Eritrea.

Vladimir Ilyich Sanders steps on...

...his own schlongovich...insert alt text here
"Sanders didn’t take kindly to being quoted warmly and accurately, saying that his description of certain areas of Baltimore were caring, while Trump’s were racist, or something like that."
insert alt text here
"It remains unclear... if fellow 2020 contenders consider his criticisms “racist” as well."

RELATED: Let's break out those numbers...
All of pest control company Orkin’s Top Ten “Rattiest Cities,” which includes Baltimore as the ninth on the list, are currently run by Democrat mayors and have been dominated by Democrats for decades:

Los Angeles
New York
Washington, D.C.
San Francisco

LAST WORD: Whaddaya say, Ms Mayor?
While canvassing an East Baltimore neighborhood with city leaders, video footage captured by WBFF-TV showed former Mayor Catherine Pugh looking upon endless vacant and run-down housing, the Baltimore Sun reported.

"Woah, you can smell the rats," she said. "Whew, Jesus. What the hell? We should just take all this shit down," Pugh said.

28 July 2019

There are none so blind... those who will not see...insert alt text here
Baltimore’s homicide per capita is on par with Venezuela, a country that is suffering from an economic collapse in South America.

Combined with violent crime, the opioid crisis is adding fuel to the fire signaling that the most violent days are just ahead.

RELATED: Nancy Pelosi's problematic memory...
Newsmax also called Pelosi's office to ask her opinion on another issue regarding her call for the removal of Confederate statues: the powerful praise for statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson from the Democratic mayor of her own home city of Baltimore, Maryland, when they were dedicated in 1948.

The mayor was Pelosi's father, Democrat Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr. Her office did not return our call.
Baltimore, Baltimore, that sounds so familiar. What do the most violent, crime-infested urban areas in America have in common? And that's not a rhetorical question.


LAST WORD: Remember, only Trump can be racist

No outrage about Ilhan Omar's shit-talk?
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) told Breitbart News on Wednesday that maybe if Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) visited Somalia, "she might come back and appreciate America more. I hear Representative Omar say America is a terrible place."

"I’m willing to contribute to buy her a ticket to go visit Somalia.”

The Usual, well... you know

most wanted
Police arrested Denzil Kemoy Williams, 33, of Toronto, and charged him with two counts of first degree murder and one count of attempted murder after a “targeted” shooting inside the (wait for it) Learning Enrichment Foundation location on June 29.

One of the victims killed was a wheelchair user.
But wait, there's more...
A 23-year-old man, Menhaz Zaman has been charged with four counts of first-degree murder after four people were found dead in a home in Markham on Sunday afternoon.

RELATED: Justin's war on farmers, hunters & skeet shooters
"GTA leads Canada in organized crime homicides, Statscan reveals in new gangland data."

LAST WORD: Drugs... the "victimless" crime
It’s like a Kool-Aid stand … the drug dealers set up shop on Seaton St., people come and get their drugs and leave.” Smith said the normal drug dealing hours are 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. and the afternoon shift is 3:30-4:30 p.m.

26 July 2019

Kill 'em all...

...let Vishnu sort 'em out...insert alt text here
Authorities in India are investigating whether illegal abortions and sex-selection tests were conducted after official data revealed that not a single girl was among over 200 children born in 132 villages over the past three months.

Whole new take on the phrase...

..."Grab yourself a cold one"...insert alt text here
"A cooler filled with penises are among items found by FBI agents during a raid on a Phoenix body-donation business. Arizona is a regulatory-free zone for the body-parts industry."
The company's owner is a man named... wait for it... Stephen Gore.

25 July 2019

Say, Justin... are you sure about...

...sending these knuckleheads to "Not a Terrorist Anymore University"...insert alt text here
"An Indonesian husband and wife who had taken part in a government-sponsored deradicalization program are believed to be the masterminds of a suicide bombing of a Roman Catholic cathedral in the southern Philippines earlier this year that killed more than 20 people."
Let's be specific... I mean these knuckleheads.


COMPARE & CONTRAST: The $10,000,000 Question
"Imagine if you will: teenaged white kids are caught up in some skinhead group. Their parents are neo-nazis as well. Dad and the boys head out to Zimbabwe to fight Mugabe. Dad is killed, and the boyos are wounded and captured."

"How many Toronto Star editorials would be written to get the kids back to Canada?"

RELATED: The usual, well... you know...
A 37-year-old Ajax man, Sajjad Wadiwalla, is facing numerous charges after a submachine gun, silencers, handguns and a quantity of cocaine and pills was allegedly seized in a drug raid on his home on Thursday.

LAST WORD: Hey, a vote is a vote...
According to Trudeau, ISIS fighters can be an extraordinarily powerful voice in Canada.

Occupying the high moral plateau...

...with Ilhan Omar and her squadmates...insert alt text here
But Omar has, in fact, called for an opponent to be deported. Her tweet, from 2012, was unearthed as a similar tweet from Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MN) — one of the other “Squad” members — surfaced, in which she declared “Deport this asshole!” in 2015.

24 July 2019


"But that’s different... because... shut up!!!"
insert alt text hereinsert alt text here**********

RELATED: It's only 2:30 EST and Mueller...

... has declined to answer 155 times...
"Mueller has declined to answer certain questions throughout his testimony today, and deflected or deferred answering others.

His reasons include: He didn’t want to speculate, couldn’t get into internal deliberations, had answered the question in his report, or was under orders not to answer a particular question."

LAST WORD: Sauce for the Goosesteppersinsert alt text here
There is now compelling evidence Mueller omitted or misrepresented important facts about Mifsud and Papadopoulos that could change the public’s understanding of events.

And those aren’t the only omissions and factual errors to emerge.

23 July 2019

BoJo hits the ground running

insert alt text here
With a personality, and perhaps an ego, of a scale that few of his colleagues can match. This is the man who even as a child wanted to be "world king".

Now, he is the Tory king, and the Brexiteers are the court.

22 July 2019

We are all Romanovs now!

Just another day in Justin Trudeau's Neo-Marxist paradise...insert alt text here
Michael Truscello, an English professor at the Calgary-based Mount Royal University took to Twitter and advocated for the murder of the “bourgeoisie.”
Teach your children well.


Professor James Thomas argued earlier this year that “MAGA teens are a modern day Hitlerjugend.” Thomas, who faced criticism over the tweet, doubled down earlier this month, arguing that he “meant it.”

Open up the borders...

...that'll fix things...insert alt text here
"Baltimore Deputy Commissioner Daniel Murphy and his wife were approached around 9 p.m. by four men in a large white SUV at the 2200 block of East Pratt Street, police said in a statement. Two approximately 18-year-old men got out of the SUV and approached the couple.

The men announced it was a robbery and showed a gun before fleeing with a wallet, a purse, some cash and multiple cell phones."
Welcome to B'more, Commissioner. Hey, maybe you should try "dressing down."

Too many Chiefs, not enough, uh...

"...uhm, what was I saying..."insert alt text here
Driving down Highway 401 in southern Ontario, with the FM dial tuned to 87.9, the 1990s-era rap music fades into an ad, offering a free joint with every purchase over $20 between midnight and 4:20 a.m. at the Pot Shoppe.

"Don't forget, we have free coffee for the driver and our famous Pot Shoppe slushies at half-price for the passenger," the ad says. "THC-infused slushies — just a little more brain freeze."

At last count there were over 4 dozen pot shops on the Rez. If aboriginal cops don't enforce the law of the land... what do they do all day?

The Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte band council did not respond to an interview request.

BONUS COMEDY ROUND:insert alt text here
"The ONLY legal quality-controlled source of cannabis in Canada is through provincially or territorially authorized distributors and retailers or federally licensed sellers that have the authorization of their health care practitioner to access cannabis for medical purposes," said Bill Blair's spokesperson, Marie-Emmanuelle Cadieux.

RELATED: Let's look at Aboriginal Policing

Who exactly are they serving & protecting?

21 July 2019

C'est what?

Unidentified male savagely murdered in violent street brawl...insert alt text here
• MONTREAL • A man is dead after a violent street brawl in Montreal involving about 20 people in the Villeray neighbourhood Saturday evening just after 9 p.m.
Sadly, local journalists were unable to obtain any information about the dead & injured, or, more to the point, descriptions of the combatants who fled the scene. Alas.
Officers found two injured people, including a 49-year-old man who had been wounded in the head by a sharp object who died later that night.
PS... that's "professional" newspeak for "stabbed in the head."

Montrealers remarkably sanguine about head-stabbers...
"Midday is the most convenient time for stabbings, it's true."

RELATED: That's a happening neighbourhood...
"I screamed. I said, 'What are you doing?' When the weapon came out of Clémence, there was a sound that came out of Clémence. It was like her last breath."

Drag Queens... the Next Generation

insert alt text here
A “Drag Queen Story Hour” event at a Dallas, Texas, library last Saturday featured two drag queens, one of whom read the story "What Color Is Your Underwear?" to small children.

According to the news report, Jo Guidice, Dallas library system director “said her office received more than 700 calls, 250 emails and an uncounted number of complaints on social media” about the event.
Oh, c'mon... what's all the fuss abou... sweet baby jebus...
Drag queen Alberto Garza had been convicted in 2008 for sexually assaulting an eight-year-old boy. The library had failed to perform a background check on Garza or any of the other drag queens appearing in its programs.
And if that's not enough...
Dylan Pontiff, a gay man who uses the name Santana Pilar Andrews when dressed in drag, helped organize a story hour for Louisiana preschoolers. He said the event’s purpose is “the grooming of the next generation.”
And what's new in Justin Trudeau's post-national, post gender paradise?insert alt text here
It really is just a way to demonise and punish anyone who refuses to bow down to the ideology of genderfluidity. ‘Wax this woman’s testicles’ – can we hear ourselves?

RELATED: Let's ask Rex...
"Do we think the formulators of the UN Declaration of Human Rights were careless when they left out the human right to crotch grooming?"

20 July 2019

Your MSM...

...the politician's best friend... even 50 years laterinsert alt text hereIt gets better... by which I mean worse...
Mary Jo Kopechne didn’t drown. She died of suffocation in her own air void. It took her at least three or four hours to die."

"I could have had her out of that car twenty-five minutes after I got the call."

"But he didn’t call," said Fire Captain John N. Farrar, the man who eventually recovered her body.
Fact of life... rich or famous people usually skate.

Just ask O.J.


RELATED: Quid pro quo... Trudeau's media bailout
Throughout the prime minister’s tenure he has been prone to obfuscate via creative terminology; for example referring to illegal migration as ‘irregular’ and homegrown ISIS terrorists as ‘foreign travellers’.
And, of course they're back for more. It's an election year.

Gotta make hay while the sun shines.

I hear Mogadishu is lovely...

...this time of year...insert alt text here
"Charmed with credentials, political belief, and cultural approval above fact-finding, it seems they chose to fawn over a seemingly corrupt anti-Semite because her identity felt like a heaven-sent club to wield against Donald Trump."

RELATED: Democrats look you in the face...

...and they lie...
"Deaths of migrants who illegally crossed the border during the first two years of the Trump administration fell about 20 percent from the eight-year average under the Obama era."

LAST WORD: The lunatic left needs to pick better heroes...

From the comments...
He didn’t fight the previous 31 times. And if he hadn’t fought the 32nd time he wouldn’t have given himself a heart attack.

19 July 2019

My father loved telling the story of...

...toddler me sticking a knife in a wall socket & getting blown back across the living room...
Iran seized two British-operated oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz Friday, marking a fresh escalation of tensions between Tehran and the West.
Something about this article feels shockingly familiar.

I'm just gonna sit back & watch...

...the lunatic left swerve off the cliff...insert alt text here**********

RELATED: Let them eat plutonium!
Problem is these movements, as history shows us with the Jacobins of the French Revolution, become all consuming fires, many times annihilating those who started the conflagration.

Just ask Robespierre.

LAST WORD: Who's zoomin' who?
When told the quote was actually from Obama, the students were surprised. One woman insisted that the way Trump is deporting criminal aliens is a practice of "white nationalism."

Those privileged, patriarchal Canadians...

...and their fascination with illegal guns...insert alt text here
Toronto police say an American tourist “partying in the King Street West area” was kidnapped at gunpoint after getting into a stranger’s car.

On Wednesday, 21-year-old Yan Cedrick Mone, of Toronto, was arrested.

RELATED: We don't need to talk about it, right?
While no details are available on either the victim or circumstances, the investigation has been turned over to homicide detectives. If deemed a homicide, it would be the city’s 34th of 2019.
Smell the professional journalism.

Katheryn Niedoba is Toronto’s 34th homicide victim of the year. Matthew Larmon, 43, is charged with manslaughter.

Hide in plain sight

Among those arrested was Salvatore Oliveti the organizer of an annual motorcycle ride that has raised more than $800,000 for Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children.

Oliveti, chair of Rev It Up For SickKids, faces money-laundering and other charges.

RELATED: Partners in crime?
According to Mattinen, reports received from casinos as part of the investigation suggested the criminal organization was able to clean in excess of $70 million through Ontario casinos over the past few years.

18 July 2019


Not an urban gangbanger in sight.

Hey, CBC... how about an investigation into Toronto's 2018 record breaking murder spree. Or would that be "racism?"most wanted
"Trudeau’s CBC is being trashed by Trudeau’s Globe and Mail for plans on a series regarding Paul Bernardo. The series is intended to boost the failing ratings of the Fifth Estate.

It would go well with its never ending series on the gay guy who killed a bunch of other gay guys in Toronto."
Another page of the document notes that Sunday at 9 p.m. is known for premium television, and that luring viewers away from services such as HBO requires "HIGH QUALITY, DRAMATIC TWISTS + TURNS.”
You know... like kidnapping, raping & murdering adolescent girls.

Or... this little HBO gem.


RELATED: All you need is... #EastEndLove...

Gimme those taxpayer dollars and a bunch of crayons...
Taking the sting out of Spree Murder... with colourful, smoochy posters.

And I looked, and behold...

...the Four Horsefaces of the Apocalypse...insert alt text hereWhy don't we tote up ALL the racist scorecards.


RELATED: Dumber than dogshit

RELATED2: All in the family?

RELATED3: Black folk Inc.

RELATED4: The New Anti-Semitism

How do you like them now?


LAST WORD: "Let them eat, well... you know"
"Gibson’s Bakery awarded over $6.5 million in attorney’s fees and expenses against Oberlin College."

The secret nuclear stockpile...

"...will balance itself..."insert alt text here
The United States and its allies in the Nato military alliance never disclose the locations of the nuclear arsenal but it appears the six sites have inadvertently disclosed by Canadian Senator Joseph Day.
Well, that oughta save ISIS & the Ayatollahs a good amount of aggro.

Hang on. Day, Day... that sounds so familiar...
Joseph A. Day is a Canadian politician. He has been a Canadian Senator since October 4, 2001, and Leader of the Senate Liberal Caucus since June 15, 2016.

Making Flat-Earthers look sane

insert alt text here
The practice of chiropractics is playing a bigger role in health care, but few people know it started with a message from a ghost.

Daniel David Palmer was a spiritualist. He said the idea for chiropractic came to him from the “other world” during a séance where he communicated with the spirit of a doctor, Jim Atkinson, who died 50 years earlier.

SPEAKING OF TRUE BELIEVERS:insert alt text here
In March, the Swedish National Forensic Centre estimated that since 2012, the number of shootings classified as murder or attempted murder has increased by almost 100 percent.

One appreciates that the punctilious Swedes refuse to say anything more about the perpetrators, beyond the fact that they were “born abroad.”

In addition, cars are regularly set on fire. "We do not know yet who the perpetrators are, so I can only speculate, but this type of arson is usually set by young people.

17 July 2019

Those altruistic Iranians...

...always helping out when you least expect it...insert alt text here
Iran has said it responded to a distress call from the Panamanian-flagged tanker MT Riah, based in the United Arab Emirates, and came to its rescue. But no other nation has reported receiving a distress call from the Riah.

The tanker was seen being escorted by Iranian naval vessels after the transponder that automatically reports its location was switched off on Saturday.

The U.S. has overwhelming firepower in the area, including the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, which is operating just outside the Persian Gulf. But the U.S. does not want to get into the business of escorting ships into and out of the Gulf.
Say, what's flat, black and glows in the dark?

I'm not really sure either... but I bet it doesn't pump a single barrel of oil.


RELATED: The Ayatollah's feelings got hurt, so...
Earlier this month, HMS Montrose positioned itself between a British tanker and three Iranian gunboats after the tanker was ordered to sail into Iranian waters. The ship was credited with having prevented a hijacking, or worse.

The Iranian government denies the failed ambush took place.

LAST WORD: Here's the beef!
It's hoped that fifth-generation F-22 stealth jets and other fighters will be flown from the base to strike Iranian targets should war break out, the unnamed officials said.

The fresh deployment is part of the 1,000 additional troops being sent to the Middle East announced by the US last month.

There's a reason it's known as Chi•Raq

And look at that... not a single MAGA hat among them...

toronto's most wanted
At least 66 people were shot in Chicago, five fatally, over the 2019 Fourth of July weekend. Additionally, at least 56 were shot, four fatally, the weekend prior to the Fourth of July.
If only there was a law.


BONUS ROUND: Ask a black celebrity...
"It isn't us, it's the media. The media has distorted our image to make us look bad. Please. ..."

"When I go to the money machine at night, I'm not looking over my shoulder for the media."

"I'm looking for *******." -- from "Rock This!" by Chris Rock

RELATED: Toronto... wipe that smug smile off your face

16 July 2019

"She Has a Dream"

When stereotyping is not just okay... but mandatory:

insert alt text hereAnd...insert alt text here

"I did not have promises..."

"...with that country..."liar,liar
• OTTAWA • Four years ago the Liberals came to power in part, based on promises that they’ve since broken, or thanks to pledges for progress that has yet to materialize.

With Liberals heading to your doorsteps this summer seeking a second term, here are the ways that “real change” wasn’t delivered.

I'm struggling to imagine Plan B

Unstable enough to be locked up nightly at the Steel City bughouse... but we'll turn him loose daily on a college campus?

insert alt text hereWhat could possibly go wrong?

Just spitballin' here, but everybody remotely involved with this rainbow-hued pipedream might just want to beef up their "liability" coverage.
Ontario's top court has upheld a decision allowing a man found not criminally responsible in a knife attack at a Toronto military recruitment centre to take college classes on his own.

The appeal court says the Ontario Review Board considered all the required factors last year in granting Ayanle Hassan Ali, 27, permission to attend Mohawk College unaccompanied while he continues to be held at a secure Hamilton hospital.
Note that the Review Board found Ali continues to pose a significant threat to the public and should be subject to nightly psychiatric lockdown at the Mouse Factory, er... hospital.

Apparently, though... the first few dead or maimed college students are somehow deductible.

UPDATE: Stabby McStabface not heading for college...
According to his psychiatrist, Ali continues to get messages from the Internet and TV that the military is keeping tabs on him and still believes Canadian soldiers are legitimate targets. He still feels it is his obligation to do something about it.

UPDATE2: Inmates running the asylum?
Zhebin Cong’s disappearance and flight out of the country is the second of three instances in two months that a patient with a violent past has failed to return to the country’s largest mental-health hospital.

LAST WORD: The poster boy for bringing back hanging
“The Board is concerned that you might be saying what you think you need to say to be granted parole, rather than accepting total responsibility.”

15 July 2019

Shots fired at "Celebration of Bagpipes"..., no... that's not right...insert alt text hereSay, Andrew... are you leaving anything out of your "professional" reporting?

Oh, wait... it's the Toronto Caribbean Music Festival.

UPDATE: Music festival goes Thunderdome
"You cannot cage people in like that because that's what triggered the panic and that's what sparked a lot of the other injuries like people getting trampled, stampeded over," she said. "I know how dangerous these events can be. I moved out of the city because of things like this."

RELATED: The Usual, well... you know...
Two men were wounded in a shooting early Monday in Kensington Market. Meanwhile, a man was shot in Thomson Memorial Park, on Brimley Rd. in Scarborough, around 9:30 p.m. Sunday.
Kensington Market... that sounds so familiar.

Their "basic dictatorship" has been busy

FROM THE COMMENTS:insert alt text here
“Canada has put itself in the position that China can flip a switch and shut Canada off anytime they want.”

"To be fair Ralphie is pretty busy chasing Nazis to be worried about the Chinese."
Okay, everybody settle down. I'm sure the weaponised bio-agents "will balance themselves."


RELATED: Playing the long game...
Peter Thiel, billionaire investor and Facebook board member, on Sunday night said that Google should be federally investigated for allegedly aiding the Chinese military.

"Number one, how many foreign intelligence agencies have infiltrated your Manhattan Project for AI?"

14 July 2019

Or you could simply "keep digging"...

insert alt text here
"Pay the court’s judgment, don’t fight it; apologize to the Gibson family and to the community and take steps to show you mean it; and then calmly think through all that has happened and do whatever is necessary to reaffirm the institution’s identity as a college, not a cause."

RELATED: Let it burn!insert alt text here
Whatever Pelosi's plans might have been, they've been lost in a fog of anti-Semitism and left-wing radicalism. If Ilhan Omar isn't causing Pelosi trouble, Ocasio-Cortez is. And vice versa.

One day the speaker has to respond to the charge that Jewish money controls American foreign policy. The next she has to downplay flatulent cows. It's enough to make one pity her. Almost.