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22 July 2019

Too many Chiefs, not enough, uh...

"...uhm, what was I saying..."insert alt text here
Driving down Highway 401 in southern Ontario, with the FM dial tuned to 87.9, the 1990s-era rap music fades into an ad, offering a free joint with every purchase over $20 between midnight and 4:20 a.m. at the Pot Shoppe.

"Don't forget, we have free coffee for the driver and our famous Pot Shoppe slushies at half-price for the passenger," the ad says. "THC-infused slushies — just a little more brain freeze."

At last count there were over 4 dozen pot shops on the Rez. If aboriginal cops don't enforce the law of the land... what do they do all day?

The Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte band council did not respond to an interview request.

BONUS COMEDY ROUND:insert alt text here
"The ONLY legal quality-controlled source of cannabis in Canada is through provincially or territorially authorized distributors and retailers or federally licensed sellers that have the authorization of their health care practitioner to access cannabis for medical purposes," said Bill Blair's spokesperson, Marie-Emmanuelle Cadieux.

RELATED: Let's look at Aboriginal Policing

Who exactly are they serving & protecting?