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08 May 2019

Scott Brison and the Libranos...

...backed themselves into a corner...insert alt text here
The federal government is expected to pull the plug on its prosecution of Vice-Admiral Mark Norman for alleged breach of trust, the National Post has learned.

The case is back in court on Wednesday for what was to have been a brief scheduled update on the progress of the government’s efforts at disclosing documents to Norman’s defence team.

Among the documents the defence was seeking was a 60-page memo from then Privy Council Clerk Michael Wernick to Trudeau that had been entirely blacked out.

Sources have confirmed that the prosecution will withdraw the charge instead.
What doesn't Justin Trudeau want the public to see?

The money shot here...
"...former Treasury Board president Scott Brison arriving at an ad hoc cabinet meeting with a letter of complaint from Davie competitor Irving asking that the new government take a second look at the deal."
Which would have entailed, at minimum, an $89,000,000 cancellation charge... on top of whatever Irving Shipbuilding would have billed their Liberal friends.

I guess that explains Mr Brison's rather abrupt departure from government to the private sector. Coincidentally, Michael Wernick has also jumped ship.

And one last note...
"The ship itself (built by Davie) was a stunning success in the world of military procurement — delivered on time and on budget."
Vice-Admiral Mark Norman is a hero who saved Canadian taxpayers untold millions of dollars. You CAN fight City Hall... if you have Marie Henein in your corner.
In front of the assembled Ottawa press corps, Henein flayed the prime minister without ever mentioning his name. She never said the words “SNC-Lavalin,” either even as she linked her client’s case, indelibly, to that festering scandal.
Read Admiral Norman's statement.


RELATED: Honour, Duty, Country...insert alt text here
Liberal MP and former army commander Andrew Leslie has offered to be a witness for Vice Admiral Mark Norman at his upcoming trial.

Leslie has announced he will not be running for re-election.
Can't imagine why.