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24 January 2019

The first thing we do... break out the breathalyzer...insert alt text here
That position took a serious hit Tuesday, when Canada's ambassador to China, John McCallum, told a select group of Chinese media, "I think she has quite good arguments on her side."
Did anybody check to see if he'd been drinking... cos' it wouldn't be the first time...
While the Defence Minister had earlier described the incident as a "wake-up call" to stop drinking, he didn't quit until six days ago. "It's embarrassing for me, for my family, for the government."
Not as embarrassing as this, I imagine...
"In a bizarre, rambling interview this afternoon, Michael Ignatieff's Finance Critic John McCallum openly accused the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces of committing war crimes in Afghanistan."
Or this "Dave's not here" moment...insert alt text here
Rempel, who is the official critic for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship asked McCallum how many Syrian refugee resettlement applications were started prior to October 19th of this year.

Rather than answering the question, McCallum said, “We’re into sunny ways, I would suggest to my colleague to look a little more cheerful.”

UPDATE: McCallum gets spanked...
"Those eyebrows were further raised when McCallum released a statement later walking back his earlier remarks, saying they 'do not accurately represent my position on this issue.'"
Team Trudeau... only the best & brightest.


RELATED: Who hasn't had a few brews and...

...done something they regret the next day? Right, Justin?insert alt text here
Trudeau was asked if he intended to recall or sanction his envoy to Beijing, John McCallum, for opining on how a Huawei executive being held in Canada might avoid extradition to the United States.
What sort of leverage does McCallum have on PM Dressup?