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24 January 2019

That's what I'm looking for...

..."Bill Gates approved" news...insert alt text here
"So CNN never misleads with its headlines, the Guardian never dresses up its agendas as news, and Buzzfeed stories are always accurate. One literally doesn’t have to go back three days to find dozens of examples to the contrary, but this would be too mind-numbingly pedantic a task."

RELATED: NewsGuard run by "Swamp Things"
Many of the sites that NewsGuard has ranked as “trustworthy” have spent their past few days smearing the names of the students of Covington Catholic High School.
Just one more reason to use Firefox.


LAST WORD: Smell the journalism...
By Saturday, the story had become so hot, and the appetite for it so deep, that some news outlets felt compelled to do some actual reporting. This was when the weekend began to take a long, bad turn for respected news outlets and righteous celebrities.

The full video reveals that these kids had wandered into a Tom Wolfe novel and had no idea how to get out of it.