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31 December 2018

Do as I say... not as I do...

...the sheer hypocrisy of one Barry Obama...insert alt text here
“In this new world that we live in we can’t isolate ourselves. We can’t hide behind a wall.“

Meanwhile, back in Washington DC, workers were completing work on Barack Obama’s wall around his home.
The Obamas have that "common touch"...
"...equally eye-catching shoes — the brand’s $3,900 gold sequined thigh-high boots."
She be pimpin'.


RELATED: Ask a Bishop of Rome
“When they say the wall’s immoral, well then you got to do something about the Vatican, because the Vatican has the biggest wall of them all," Trump said during remarks at a meeting with his Cabinet members.

30 December 2018


"I suspect those at the CBC who used to come into contact with him wore a sprig of arugula under their clothes to ward off the evil."
CNN, the New York Times, Time magazine... heck, just let Google do the thinking for you.

29 December 2018

Apparently, it's all "secret cop stuff"... know... not for little people like you...
"The only thing that is crystal clear in this mess is that the SIU has some ‘splaining to do, and so does the Centre for Forensic Sciences. Did someone drop the ball, and if so, which organization and why? And if not, then for the love of God, say so, and give the public some real information."
In other "special rules for special people" news...
Michael Asiamah, from Ghana, is suing the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) for £150,000, claiming they failed to protect him from cold weather conditions. His legal team argues officers exposed Mr Asiamah to the uncomfortable conditions despite knowing Africans are more susceptible to cold-related conditions.

28 December 2018

Well, it worked for John Gotti

A brilliant "investment" scheme?"

Why yes, and it won't be the first time China has used it: in December 2017, the Sri Lankan government lost its Hambantota port to China for a lease period of 99 years after failing to show commitment in the payment of billions of dollars in loans.

The transfer, according to the New York Times, gave China control of the territory just a few hundred miles off the shores of rival India.

The bullet comes out here...

"...and goes really, really fast," says Toronto Police Chief...
“People will obey the law if there’s a sign that says what they should be doing and if there is a method to capture if they don’t do it. The vast majority of those who lost their life were living high-risk lifestyles."
You know... like this guy...
On Thursday, the 20-year-old man – identified by officers as Cimran Farah, of Toronto – succumbed to his injuries.

Farah is the city’s 96th homicide victim of 2018.

No information on any possible suspects has been released in connection with this case.

RELATED: Just another day in the hood...
According to police, the 17-year-old was walking on Driftwood Court in the Jane Street and Finch Avenue area at around 9:55 a.m. when another male got out of a car and started shooting at him.

Police say that the 17-year-old produced a gun in response and returned fire.
Of course he did.


A man suffering serious gunshot wounds took himself to hospital in a taxi after an early morning shooting in the West Queen West neighbourhood, police say. There is no detailed suspect description at this time. Williams said the victim has not been particularly co-operative with police: “He’s not assisting.”

LAST WORD: The usual suspect
Marlon Green, 35, of Toronto, is wanted for discharging a firearm and attempted murder.

Green is described as 6-foot-2 and 221 pounds.
Nice partial description, Toronto Sun.

26 December 2018

Once again, Toronto shooter uses...

..."cloak of invisibility" to perpetrate ghastly crime...
"A man is in critical condition after being shot late Christmas Day in Toronto’s Agincourt area at Sheppard Ave. and Kennedy Rd."

There was no suspect information.

RELATED: Diversity is our... sweet baby jebus...
A male in his teens is in serious condition after being shot Thursday morning at 9:55 a.m. in the Jane St. and Finch Ave. area.

LAST WORD: It's called "Entertainment District"...

...for a reason...
A man was stabbed during a fight between a group of men in the Entertainment District early Thursday. A group of males was seen leaving the scene in a vehicle. No descriptions were released.

24 December 2018

Justin's Post National State...

...a magical land where there is no race or gender... no good or bad...insert alt text here
“For investigative reasons, his name and information will not be released at this time,” Toronto Police Insp. Domenic Sinopoli said in a statement released Saturday. “The information will be released when appropriate.”

Sinopoli would not elaborate on race, hair colour or age of the victims.

UPDATE: Toronto PD shocker reveal...
"In a news release issued Monday, police identified the suspect as Inzaghi Regis, 20."

RELATED: In other perpetratorless crimes...
"Two men were injured in separate shootings in Toronto overnight Monday, according to police. No suspect information was immediately available."
Because... racism.


LAST WORD: Deck the... sweet baby jebus...
"The victim has been identified by police as 33-year-old Soheil Rafipour."
Obviously, we need to look at root causes.

22 December 2018


...where common sense goes to die...insert alt text here
"Kathleen Cairns, a WBFF Baltimore journalist, tweeted a picture of a woman who was surrendering a 9mm. She hoped to use the money from the program to buy an even bigger gun."

RELATED: It's all [culturally] relative, I guess...

Baltimore is at 11 days and counting without a homicide.
“I am losing my mind thrilled,” said Baltimore Ceasefire organizer Erricka Bridgeford. For days, she said she’s been staying up until midnight, to see if the city has made it through another day without a killing.

It’s really exciting,” she said. “Baltimore deserves this boost of love.”

LAST WORD: Murder... by the numbers
The murder rate in Baltimore is 27.3 per 100,000.

The murder rate in New Orleans is 24.5 per 100,000.

The murder rate in Detroit is 20.2 per 100,000.

The murder rate in Salt Lake City is 1.0 per 100,000

21 December 2018

Where men are men and...

...women are glad of it...insert alt text here**********

"We need a cleaning solution called 'For Fuck’s Sake'."
Or, better yet, "Get the Fuck Out!!!"

20 December 2018


Husbands, 29, has admitted killing Nixon Nirmalendran, 22, and Ahmed Hassan, 25, and wounding five others in the wild spray of bullets on June 2, 2012, but says he’s not criminally responsible due to a mental disorder.

Now was his chance to convince the jury that after a childhood of trauma, their vicious attack left him mentally shattered.
Well, I guess everybody deserves a second... sweet baby jebus...
"Husbands was also supervising children at a City of Toronto-run facility from November 2011 to May 2012 while on $4,000 house arrest bail for the sexual assault."
Well, there's always the "bad memory" defense...
Accused murderer Christopher Husbands testified Thursday he recalled his hands rising in a shooter’s pose, but “doesn’t remember” fatally shooting two men at the Eaton Centre."
Once a predator, always a predator.


"I often go to the Eaton Centre food court to soothe my PTSD. I seldom bring my handgun."

RELATED: Meet Number 95
Toronto Police have identified the city’s 95th homicide victim of the year as Edwin Humberto Velasquez.

LAST WORD: Coincidence? I think not.
On Tuesday, London Mayor Sadiq Khan revealed he was planning to hike council tax by the highest possible amount for the second year in a row in order to pay for more policing, as killings in the capital reached the highest number for a decade.
Remember back, you were a kid... all those machete attacks?

Yeah... me neither.

Calling all "Dentists Without Borders"

Yet again, the capricious and unknowable Will of Allah...insert alt text here
Nearly 80 percent of all households in the Afghan district of Ghoryan, located in Herat province along the Iranian border, are involved in some stage of the crystal methamphetamine-making process that is currently fueling addiction epidemics plaguing Afghanistan and Iran.

Production of methamphetamines or crystal meth “puts food on the tables of more than 68,000 people at a time when unemployment in Afghanistan has reached 40 percent.”

RELATED: In other Islamic news...insert alt text here
The twisted monsters called the two university students “enemies of God” and then filmed themselves as they cut the women’s heads off. The four alleged killers can be heard shouting “it’s Allah’s will” and “this is for Syria.”

19 December 2018

“Guns cause crime"...

..."the way flies cause garbage”...most wanted
"Bullets were flying in the city Tuesday as one man was killed and three wounded in four separate shootings within 15 hours. Police said three black males wearing dark clothing were seen fleeing in a vehicle."
Homicide #94... but, cheer up, there's no more "carding."

How will taking away my registered, securely locked away firearms even begin to slow these violent criminals down?


RELATED:"Another one bites the dust"insert alt text hereSo, seven shootings & two KIA...
A second man has died after he was shot on King Street west of Spadina Avenue in downtown Toronto early Wednesday morning.
Toronto's 95th homicide of 2018.


LAST WORD: Well, Chief... we all kind of know...insert alt text here
In 95 per cent of the cases detectives “do know who did it,” based on what they’re hearing in the street, Chief Mark Saunders said. Saunders is a former homicide detective and one time unit commander of the squad.

Officers are still encouraged to talk and built rapport with members of the public, but some don’t bother because they fear they’ll be accused of racial profiling.
That's the Toronto Red Star and Toronto's black police Chief talking, btw.

18 December 2018

Denmark throws in the towel... know it's past time...insert alt text here
"Denmark’s Immigration minister Inger StĂžjberg has told the country’s Somali migrants to return home and work on improving their own country after the Danish government ruled parts of Somalia safe.

The automatic right to asylum from countries like Somalia was revoked in Denmark’s 2015 amendment to its Immigration Act."

17 December 2018

Prime Minister Dressup should stick... dealing drugs...insert alt text here
Here is a simple question for Canada to answer: has a single place, anywhere in the world, ever seen its murder rate decline after banning all handguns or all guns?

We can’t find such a place. Every single time that guns have been banned, murder rates have gone up — often several-fold. Handgun homicides continued to rise after Canada’s 1995 ban on more than half of all legally registered handguns.

RELATED: The ongoing "Silence of the BLMs"...
"Investigators say they have identified the suspect in the shooting as 23-year-old Mississauga man Travon Edwards-Bryan."
Yet another "irregular" firearms enthusiast.

LAST WORD: No... it's not near Jane & Finch...
The shooting occurred on San Romanoway, near Jane Street and Finch Avenue, shortly after 6 a.m.
It is Jane & Finch. I know because I lived there in the 70s'.

Murder number 94.

Somebody has to ask Justin...

...about his pet Islamophobia law...liar,liar
"A Pakistani court has sentenced two Christians in Punjab to death for the crime of blasphemy, following their arrest in 2015. The accusation of blasphemy often triggers a violent reaction from Islamic radicals, which often involves threats to judges, upsetting the judicial process."

16 December 2018

"The Fisher-Price Resistance Front"

Meet Canada's Anti-Islam Militia...insert alt text here
An airsoft "gun" is basically a Daisy air rifle... except it uses tiny plastic balls instead of actual beebees. It's what you use to annoy your little brother in the tv room when mom isn't looking.

Sorry, Vice... you're a bunch of imbeciles.
Any police force worth it's salt is using simunition to train. You might use a plastic airsoft gun if you were hunting hamsters.

You can just smell the journalism...
"Even if they were running around with sticks and yelling bang at each other it would still be worrisome."
Really? As worrisome as Strasbourg?


RELATED: Hey, Vice... sharpen up those crayons...insert alt text here
Under the subheading ‘key messages’, teachers at Brighton & Hove Schools’ are told to stress to pupils that “trans boys and men and non-binary people may have periods.”

The Green Party has been something of a trailblazer with regards to introducing “progressive” policies, having started quizzing four-year-old infants about their “gender identity” back in 2016.

The usual... well, you know

Toronto police scoop up four local farmers & hunt... wait a minute...insert alt text here
Through an extensive investigation by the West Field Command Gun Violence Suppression Unit, four males, Ahmed Siyad, 27, Olad Olad, 20, Mohamud Duale, 28, and Ahmed Dirie, 26, all from Toronto were were identified and arrested.

Surveillance video showed them pumping 33 bullets into a helpless man who just happened to be in a parking lot in the Jane and Finch area. They face 26 criminal counts including attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder and a myriad of firearms charges.
And, take note snowflakes... it ain't epidermal... it's about culture...
In a song called All Charged Up, Drake raps “Niggers snitching on us without no interrogation. I stay silent ‘cause we at war.” In another the song No Tellin, he says, “Yeah, police comin’ ‘round lookin’ for some help, On a case they gotta solve, we never help ‘em.”
Pretty tough talk for an upper-middle class soap opera child actor from Forest Hill.

15 December 2018

Testimony suggests...

...FBI open criminal investigation into Clinton Foundation...insert alt text here
The Clinton Foundation “began acting as an agent of foreign governments ‘early in its life’ and throughout its existence. As such, the foundation should’ve registered under FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act).”

"Therefore the foundation is not entitled to its 501c3 tax exempt privileges as outlined in IRS 170 (c)2.”

RELATED: More nerve than Dick Tracy...
In an interview Clinton said that her client had passed a polygraph lie test, and she added, with a laugh, “which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.”
The word you're looking for is "evil."

14 December 2018

Gotta have priorities, right?

Because what's really "offensive" isn't the murder and maiming of totally innocent civilians...insert alt text here
PARIS — French 24-hour news channel BFM TV has apologised for playing the song "I Shot the Sheriff" after police shot dead Cherif Chekkat, the suspect behind an attack on a Christmas market in Strasbourg that killed four people.

RELATED: That murdery time of yearinsert alt text here
BERLIN (AP) – "German police say three women have been stabbed and wounded in the city of Nuremberg in a four hour period, and they are investigating whether the incidents are connected."

Noted local conservative Angus McTartan...

...shot dead in Toronto intersec... wait a minute...insert alt text here
Police have identified a 29-year-old man who died after a shooting in Etobicoke on Wednesday. Around 6 p.m., officers got a call about a Honda Civic that had struck a tree at Islington Avenue and Dixon Road.
Curiously, yet again... not a peep from BLM, Toronto.


RELATED: Did Angus have a brother?
TORONTO - A man was seriously wounded after being shot in a Harbourfront condo on York St., near Scotiabank Arena early Friday. Police are looking for two black men seen running from the area at the time.

LAST WORD: No more crazies, no more criminals...most wanted
"Actually, the CBC's total cost figure of $2 billion for the entire gun registry "file" amounts to about $685,000 per day, which means they spent the entire initially estimated budget of $2 million, again according to the CBC, every three days, for eight years straight."
Remember, as soon as Justin confiscates legally owned firearms from farmers, hunters and skeet shooters... all the violence will stop.

13 December 2018

Burn the Witch!!! Burn the Witch!!!

I constantly find myself fantasizing about Prime Minister Jordan Peterson...insert alt text here
"Why exactly is it a problem if men and women, freed to make the choices they would make when confronted with egalitarian opportunities, happen to make different choices?"

12 December 2018

Known Wolves

Live and don't learn... and die...insert alt text here
"New information has revealed that ChĂ©rif Chekkat has 27 prior criminal convictions and yelled “Allahu Akbar” during the attack.

Paris public prosecutor Remy Heitz said on Wednesday two people had been killed in the attack and one was left brain-dead. Twelve were wounded, six seriously."
Let's face it... it's too late for France and their totally self-inflicted cultural death sentence.insert alt text here
French police say the gunman, ChĂ©rif Chekkat is one of 12,000 ‘gangster-jihadists’ who exist under the radar.

Security forces have said it would be impossible to keep an eye on all 12,000 listed for suspected Islamist views or even the 4,000 considered “problematic”.

Since the watch list was established in 1969, 400,000 people have been added to it. Of the 20,000 currently on the Fiché-S list only a dozen are thought to be under 24-hour surveillance.

RELATED: Justin's "paid media" censor the world

Meanwhile on CBC Radio... "Doug Ford's financial malfeasance"... the "OPP in Northern Ontario is racist"... and the usual "Donald Trump is a Nazi" fanfare.insert alt text hereNot word one about Strasbourg... or Raheem Moseley. Surprise, surprise.

Tis the season to be...

...sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
"A man is in custody after allegedly swinging an axe around at the Spadina subway station during Wednesday’s morning rush hour."

11 December 2018

The smart money is definitely on...

...Sister Josephine, local disgruntled Nun...insert alt text here
A gunman is reportedly on the run in Strasbourg after shooting two people dead and injuring at least 11 others near the the city’s celebrated Christmas market.

Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said the gunman “has been identified” and was known to police who were searching for him.
Live and don't learn...
"France remains on high alert after suffering a wave of attacks commissioned or inspired by Islamic State militants in 2015 and 2016, which killed more than 200 people."

"One person has been killed and 11 injured in a shooting in Strasbourg city centre, according to local police."

"The death toll has been modified yet again: Two are dead and 11 people are critically wounded, according to AFP."
Stand by for media alerts about Islamophobia in three... two...


EXTREME IRONY ALERT: Rainbows & Unicorn Farts notwithstanding...
"Staff working at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, which is in the middle of a plenary session, have been locked inside the building and police have cordoned off sections of the city centre as the gunman remains on the run."

Because that's where the money is...

...what famous safecracker Willie Sutton said when asked why he targeted banks...insert alt text here
"The commission says black people make up only 8.8 per cent of Toronto’s population, but were involved in 70 per cent of fatal police shootings between Jan. 1, 2013 and June 30, 2017."
Note the the go-to spokesvictim quoted in the article is one Valerie Steele from the Black Action Defence Committee. Remember that name.

Curiously, not a word about Toronto the Good shattering a three decade record high number of homicides... largely caused by black on black gangbanger warfare...
"Toronto’s previous record high of 89 homicides was set way back in 1991."
So, police "death squads?"

I don't think so.

RELATED: Valerie Steele, Valerie Steele...

...that sounds so familiar...
The two women then spoke of their daughters, and Ms. Steele snapped, "The boys are the trouble. Black boys refuse to take responsibility for their behaviour and for themselves. They don't like to work. They like to walk around at night and sleep during the day. They don't have any intention of being men, and being responsible men. You understand me."
FYI... Valerie Steele is the former president of the Jamaican Canadian Association and the mother of one Richard Steele...
"I'll trade you a hundred Richard Steeles' for one Jane Creba."
Yup, Valerie... no axe to grind here.


LAST WORD: Obviously confused about the enemy...
A male victim walked into a police station in Scarborough suffering from gunshot wounds after a shooting took place nearby on Monday night. Toronto police confirmed they had located shell casings in the area of Midland and Eglinton avenues at around 9 p.m.
Bro... get out before it's too late.

10 December 2018

PM Dressup's "most admired government"... back in the headlines...
BCE and Telus declined to tell The Globe and Mail whether U.S. national security officials have asked them to avoid Huawei equipment. Rogers said it had not been contacted.

UPDATE: Meng makes bail...
All that was missing from her bail arrangement was a wine steward and an aromatherapist.
Of course, there are no more countries... no more Canadians...
In an astonishing statement to the New York Times in 2015, Justin Trudeau declared, "There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada," and consequently that "makes us the first post-national state."

09 December 2018

Special rules for "Special" people

Remember... you get the government you deserve...
fast AND hard...insert alt text here
"Canada's Liberal Justice Minister is instructing federal prosecutors IN THE NORTH that they should no longer prosecute anyone for not disclosing their HIV status to a sex partner."
Proposed new tourism slogan...
"What happens in Nunavut... stays in Nunavut."
Well, you gotta hope.

07 December 2018

Remember back, you were a kid...

...bodies dropping everywhere?most wantedYeah, me neither...
"The man, whose name and age was not immediately released, becomes the city’s record-high 92nd murder victim of the year. That’s three more killings than Toronto’s previous record high of 89 homicides set way back in 1991."

RELATED: More big-city records set...
Over 40 per cent of those deaths happened in Scarborough.

Police have arrested 20-year-old Nicholas Mahabir in connection with the murder of 14-year-old Riley Martin in Mississauga.

UPDATE: Justin's post national state
“We’re finding… Well, all police are finding that it seems we continue to arrest people for committing criminal offences and they continue to be released by the courts.”

LAST WORD: Mexico... "We're #1...
The cartel war in Tijuana continues at an alarming rate with 4,189 murdered in a two year period.

Obviously, the optimum solution is...

...separate drinking fountains...insert alt text here
The Demographic Inclusion Task Force “concluded that the best way to meet the needs of students of color and low income students’ needs was to create the Person of Color theme house."

RELATED: The legacy of Nelson Mandela
SOUTH Africa has set a date for when its much-criticised land expropriations can begin after a politician declared: "Your time is up, white people."

I wanna see what happens when...

...Prime Minister Pander wants to ban eating or possessing bacon...toronto's most wanted
There are doubts that the Liberal's ban will have the desired effect, according to the senior government official with knowledge of the file.

The federal government’s consultation document acknowledged any ban of handguns or assault weapons “would primarily affect legal firearms owners."

It states “most gun crimes are not committed with legally-owned firearms.”
What laws are gonna stop these guys from banging it out?


RELATED: Religious is the new Black...
“We don’t have proof of radicalization, but rather a feeling that we’re dealing with someone who is very religious, very pious, very practicing.”
If the murder fits... you must acquit!

06 December 2018

Just something to think about...

...while you sit for 7 hours in that hospital emergency room...insert alt text here
"In her annual report, Ontario auditor general Bonnie Lysyk said the number of Ontario Works cases under Wynne Liberals increased by almost 25 per cent since 2009, hiking costs up more than 55 per cent to nearly $3 billion."

RELATED: Live and learn...
"Foreign criminals awaiting deportation from Denmark will be banished to a deserted island, at a facility on Lindholm, an uninhabited, seven-hectare island in the province of Vordingborg, one and a half miles from the mainland, the government has announced."

05 December 2018

From the folks who brought you...

...melamine in baby formula...insert alt text here
"If we were doing something killing thousands of Chinese... we would hear from them loud and clear."
About the baby formula... you think I'm kidding?
"The government did not update its toll of children sickened by the milk powder, but on Wednesday it said more than 6,200 babies were ill, including 1,327 who were still in hospital and 158 with acute kidney failure."
Remember... this is the government Justin Trudeau admires most.


RELATED: Chabuduo! Close enough …
"The small deaths pile up: on construction sites where men wield blowtorches without safety goggles, or dangle from tied-together lengths of old rope; from food poisoning from meat carried in unrefrigerated vans; from fires in badly wired apartments."

I blame Dunkin Donuts

Keen Butler’s death was ruled a homicide “caused by respiratory insufficiency secondary to blunt-force trauma to the neck and thoracic compression, exacerbated by blunt-force trauma to the head.”

RELATED: Nobodys fault... it's a disease...
Joaquim Gomes Dos Penedos previously undiagnosed ADHD was key in a judge’s decision two weeks ago to acquit Penedos of dangerous driving causing bodily harm and dangerous driving.

04 December 2018

Third World Rules

The Toronto-area city of Brampton has asked the RCMP to look at a multimillion-dollar land deal after confidential information on the transaction was passed to local Liberal MPs Navdeep Bains and Raj Grewal, sources confirmed Friday.

The contentious land deal comes amid growing controversy around Grewal, who resigned a little over a week ago.

RELATED: Those darned homicidal professors...
Police are searching for suspects after a man was shot near York University early Monday morning. Emergency crews were called to an apartment building on Chimneystack Road, near Keele Street and Steeles Avenue West, just after 3 a.m.
Remember, nothing to do with the notorious "northwest" end of the city.


LAST WORD: What sort of anonymous man...

...are we talking about?
A man in his 20s is facing a charge of attempted murder after his sister was stabbed in a St. James Town apartment building on Monday night. Toronto police 51 Division says they were called to 200 Wellesley Street, near Bleecker Street, at 9:37 p.m. Monday for a report of a stabbing.

They found a female suffering from multiple stab wounds.

What reeks of snake oil and...

insert alt text here...has more costume changes than a Cher concert?
"What is clear is that with what has been redacted the Trudeau PMO wants the RCMP to be the fall guys for this."
UPDATE:  Deny, deny, deny...
"And we’re left with even more questions. This is a government that accused a trading partner of sabotage, essentially."

01 December 2018

Hunker roun' yon burn barrel...

...whilst ah sing yous' tha song of ma peepul...insert alt text hereBonus...insert alt text here

30 November 2018

Peak Segregation...

it's a Liberal thing...insert alt text here
"While just 7.7 per cent of all children under 14 are Indigenous, they account for 52.2 per cent of all children in foster care • astonishing numbers that demand some sort of response, Indigenous Services Minister Jane Philpott."
Apparently that "response" involves separate drinking fountains because... racism.


RELATED: The miraculous, restorative power of...

...aboriginal justice...
"His lawyer, Ron Piche, told Justice Barry Morgan that he would be asking for Mr. Pauchay to be sentenced by an aboriginal healing circle."
Special rules for special people... the soft bigotry of low expectations.

With all the evidence showing...

insert alt text here
...that more guns in the hands of responsible citizens are linked to less crime, you’d think more liberals would be open-minded about the prospect. After all, it’s the left that claims to champion data-driven decisions and the scientific method.

RELATED: Sorry, feminazis...insert alt text here
"Trying to make men more like women does not result in less toxic masculinity. It results in more. Bad men become good when they are no longer bad, not when they are no longer men."

You mean "ILLEGAL"... right?

insert alt text here
Last year, the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) had the capacity to hear 24,000 claims per year, but received more than 52,000 total new asylum claims — half of which were from irregular migrants.

29 November 2018

Eighty-three percent empty...

...much like their black hearts...insert alt text here
"The belief they could fill a hockey arena is the worst kind of vanity. Had the event taken place at a smaller venue, the Clintons’ diminishing appeal would not have been quite so obvious."

"Bill Clinton took 26 junkets with deviant Jeffrey Epstein. Trump banned him from Mar-a-Lago."

28 November 2018

Simply nature's way...

...of thinning the herd...insert alt text here
OTTAWA - Health Canada says consuming human placenta could lead to bacterial or viral infections in mothers or their babies. The risk is higher if someone ingests the placenta of another person.
Imagine my surprise. They'll shun a rib-eye... but scarf down human placenta.

It gets better... by which I mean worse...
Home birth advocates say a lotus birth eases the baby’s transition into the world, but doctors worry about the risks of infection from keeping a newborn attached to what is essentially dead tissue.

27 November 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...
Wei Zhang, an alleged associate of Jin Zhang came to Canada in 1992 and became a permanent resident in 2003 despite a criminal record that included a weapons offence, an Immigration and Refugee Board case shows.

RELATED: I'm sure it's a coincidence...
Earlier this week, Trudeau defended his appearance at the fundraiser by saying he was trying to entice foreign investment into Canada.

LAST WORD: What's up with France?
In July, a health department study showed cases of chlamydia and gonorrhea -- two common STIs -- tripling in France between 2012 and 2016, with 15-24 year-olds particularly affected.

Tougher Love

Call the tune... pay the piper...
A special team called Scorpion drivers have been trained in tactical contact. The Metropolitan police said there had been a 36% reduction in thefts that involved mopeds or scooters since the tactics were adopted last year.

UPDATE: Ya feelin' lucky, punk?
"Everyone in Britain is loving the police’s latest PR move: ramming criminals as they try to escape on mopeds — then posting the video footage on social media."

26 November 2018

From the genius who brought you...

.."the budget will balance itself"...insert alt text here
“The GM Oshawa plant closing is proof that government bailouts never work and Canadian taxpayers always lose.” Out of the $4 billion Canada offered in loans, bailouts and stock purchases, most agree it didn’t pay off in the end.

“Look how badly Trudeau’s investment in the Kinder-Morgan pipeline has gone already,” he said. “Canadian taxpayers just got shafted again for billions.”

25 November 2018

Justin's Post-National state

Black Friday Sale... slashing everything...insert alt text here
"As soon as the employees in the store realised what was happening, they picked up three swords and threatened the robbers."
Lest you imagine this was an isolated incident... and here's the rub...
The RCMP recommended Dennis Galloway be prosecuted for unsafe storage and careless use of a firearm. RCMP Staff Sgt. Lee Omilusik emphasized that police in no way condone vigilante behaviour.
Well... only under certain circumstances.


RELATED: They don't call it "the Jungle"...

...because of the lush vegetation...
"A man in his 20s is in hospital after being shot early Sunday morning in the area of Lawrence Avenue West and Allen Road."
And the mayhem continues to spread...
Durham police are searching for suspects after a man was shot in Ajax Sunday night, near Rossland Road and Harwood Avenue.

$450,000 taxpayer "Safety Break!"

Remember... never a penis and a vagina shall meet... oh wait... Bruce McArthur was a gay serial killer...insert alt text here
"Olivia Nuamah, executive director of Pride Toronto said the talks will be a "deep dive" into the experiences of safety and security of the LGBTQ community across Canada. She said the second step will be a research and analysis process to come up with solutions."
How about "promiscuous drug fuelled-sex with strangers isn't always a good idea?" Oh, you can have that one for free, Olivia.

Or we could use that money to hire half a dozen cops for a year...insert alt text here
A 46-year-old man, Harry Rajkumar, who is known to police, is wanted for attempted murder, assault with a weapon and aggravated assault in a violent attack on a 37-year-old woman and her 16-year-old daughter at a Scarborough highrise Friday evening.
Hmmm... wonder who that could be?

It gets better... by which I mean worse...
Feds paid Facebook $40,000 for ad showing how to cook chicken nuggets.
I got nuthin'.

24 November 2018

I can't wait for the PM... start taking guns away from farmers, hunters & target shooters...
"The woman was rushed by ambulance to a trauma centre. Some news reports suggested she was shot in the abdomen. The shooter was described as a male with light black skin, six feet tall, wearing a dark green, three-quarter length jacket with a hood."

RELATED: Well... there's a clue...
An unidentified man in his 30s has died after a shooting in Hamilton in the Lincoln Alexander Pkwy. and Upper Paradise Rd. area.
Just another couple inner city irregular firearms enthusiasts.


RELATED2: No gun, no problem...
A man in his 20s was rushed to hospital via emergency run following a stabbing in Scarborough late Friday night. Police initially said that the victim had life-threatening injuries and was losing consciousness at the scene.
The usual suspects.


LAST WORD: Perhaps Justin should be offering...

...Gangbanger 101 classes...
An investigation has determined that the shooters mistook Jason Ramkishu for someone else, Peel Regional Police revealed Friday. Investigators believe a man shot earlier this week was the target the gunmen were actually seeking.

23 November 2018

♫"Hurry Boy..."

"...she's waiting there for you..."♫
Afterwards, Wallace was gobsmacked by her reaction, or lack thereof, to the carnies: “So if I noticed or didn’t, why does it have to be my deal? What, because there’s assholes in the world I don’t get to ride the Zipper?”

She handled the “asshole” carnies in a very effective way. She did as she pleased, and did not give them the satisfaction of preventing her from having fun.

22 November 2018

Never seems to happen in my "hood"...

That ambiguous, unremarkable... "group of males"... they sure do get around...insert alt text here
In the video, a group of people can be seen in a parking lot near Jane St. and Driftwood Ave. At around 3:55 a.m., three masked males with guns confront the group, demand cash and property.

The 29-year-old victim falls to the ground between two parked vehicles. Shortly after, all three suspects can be seen to approach him, stand over him and fire.
Of course, up in the "northwest" end of the city... this is called "Tuesday"...
"A shooting in the city’s Jane and Finch neighbourhood has sent a male victim to hospital."
Snitches... stitches... you know the deal.


RELATED: Cue Black Lives Matter, Toronto... three, two...
According to the SIU, Toronto Police Service officers went to an apartment building on Willowridge Road near Martin Grove Road and Eglinton Avenue shortly after 11 p.m. to arrest a 23-year-old man.

A former Danish gang leader, Nedim Yasar, 31, who produced a memoir detailing how he left a life of crime has been fatally shot just a day before his book's release.

21 November 2018

Of course, if you spank your kids...

...the CAS will take them away from you...insert alt text here
"The historic case involves minor girls from Michigan, Illinois and Minnesota, including some who cried, screamed and bled during the procedure and one who was given Valium ground in liquid Tylenol to keep her calm, court records show."
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
“Are we going to draw the line at female genital mutilation, or are we going to ignore this and draw the line at child brides? Or domestic violence? Or throwing gays off of buildings? When are we going to draw the line? This is the place where we need to make our stand.”
In other quaint cultural rituals news...
"One person suffered life-threatening stab wounds and at least five others were injured after audience members charged the stage and brawls broke out during rapper Pusha T's concert in Toronto Tuesday night. Videos show audience members throwing drinks at one of the performers before part of the crowd jumps a barrier and rushes onto the stage."

20 November 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
Up to 3,000 foreign doctors in the UK are having background checks after it emerged a fake psychiatrist was able to practice with no qualifications for 22 years.

RELATED: I blame Donald Trump...
Facebook allowed a child bride to be sold to the highest bidder before the social network finally decided to take action against the post over two weeks later, according to charity organization Plan International, which called the Facebook auction “beyond belief.”

The 16-year-old was sold by her family in South Sudan through Facebook, who ended up reportedly receiving “500 cows, three cars, and $10,000.”

19 November 2018

Say, Chief... how about you tell us...

...a little bit more about the makeup of these violent gangs...most wanted
"Gang violence is at root of record number of slayings this year, Police Chief Mark Saunders says."
Just spitballin' here, but I'm gonna guess none of this years shooters, or shootees were on the University of Toronto debate team.

And, curiously, seems it's always the guys with the way cool street names who get lit up...
Residents say the Toronto Community Housing building is a violent drug den, where they live with bed bugs and homeless squatters defecate in stairwells. The murdered man, who went by the nickname Gucci, was involved in drugs.
Yesssirrreee... it's a mystery...
Less than three weeks before Neeko Mitchell was shot to death outside a Rexdale community centre, a rap video appeared on YouTube. It featured the man accused of ordering his murder boasting his “goons shoot when I say so.”

UPDATE: Dunkley goes down...
Toronto gang leader and rapper Jermainee Dunkley, 34, sobs after jury convicts him of first-degree murder. Dunkley's legal troubles are not over. Last year, police in Hamilton charged Dunkley with first-degree murder in a 12-year-old case.
Oh, Jermaine... they love crybabies in federal slam.