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12 December 2017

Hot off the "National Broadcaster" presses

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"Portrait of a Haitian woman", by Quebec artist François Malépart de Beaucourt, 1786. The woman portrayed in this painting was a slave owned by the artist and his wife."
Sorry, CBC... this has nothing to do with me or mine. The British Empire outlawed slavery before Canada even became an actual country.

I'm having a hard time feeling guilty about whatever some unknown Quebecois seventh great-grandfather may or may not have done to some woman TWO AND A HALF CENTURIES AGO.

Perhaps you should take this pressing matter up with PM Pierre-Lite... cos' lately he's been a veritable kiss-ass apology machine.


RELATED: Let's bring this type of thing forward...

...a couple of centuries...waste
"Back in 1988, when the Sun's Paul Jackson was at the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, he broke a startling story that showed Tommy Douglas, now revered by the CBC as "the greatest Canadian of all time," eagerly recommending the ***"CASTRATION OF HOMOSEXUALS"*** and chronic criminals."
Who's sorry now?


RELATED2: You think they'd learn


LAST WORD: I blame Canadian slaveowners
Toronto man dies in hospital after shooting near Regent Park last month. Kwsie Blair, 20, was wounded on Nov. 13 near Dundas and Parliament streets
A 19-year-old Toronto man is facing 18 charges in connection to two shooting incidents in Etobicoke and the Weston area over the last three weeks, one of which critically injured a man.

On Monday, police arrested a suspect identified as Abdullahi Mohamed and alleged he pulled the trigger in both incidents.