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27 September 2017

Terminally stupid... or just a troll? be the judge...
What do you think is more likely (i) that cops were alerted by the firemen to a suspicious substance that they just happened to find due to a faulty fire alarm, and when cops were investigating the mysterious suspicious substance they just happened to find all those guns, or (ii) that cops knew they could not get a warrant and so they played the dog and pony show with their friends in red trucks? You can ponder it for a while, but not too long.
No pondering necessary. C'mon, you don't actually believe this, do you?

Sweet baby jebus... you do...
You think it is an unreasonable conspiracy theory to assume that they bent the rules and went around the warrant to get him, but it is reasonable to believe that a series of fortunate coincidences got them to that point?
Yes. Yes I do.

Say, are the Paramedics part of this nefarious criminal cabal? Are Garbagemen (or, whatever we're calling them these days) spying on homeowners too?

And, Colonialista... what are your feelings on the Kennedy assassination? No, wait, wait... too easy... I got it... what can you tell us about the "fake moon landings?"


FOR ANYONE WHO MISSED IT: Here's the post...

...that sent Colonialista to his "special place" where Durham Regional cops and firefighters are in cahoots to put "innocent" citizens in jail.


UPDATE: UNME to the rescue...
"The only outrage here is the continued persecution of people for committing non-crime such as drug dealing and owning guns."
Nope... not a joke. This guy is infamous over at SDA for his batshit trollery.