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27 September 2017

Because it's 2017

They keep telling us that early Islamic scholars were mathematical geniuses... but I'm just not seeing it...islamomath
“Would you give a man with half an intellect a driving licence?” Sheikh Saad al-Hajari, head of the Saudi government’s religious edict authority in the southern province of Assir, alleged at a lecture earlier this month.

“So how would you give one to a woman when she has half an intellect?” he said. “And if they go out to the market this gets halved again! So they now have a quarter of an intellect.”
Maybe a woman with half an intellect should only wear half a burka?


UPDATE: A fly in the ointment...
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — Women in Saudi Arabia will be able to get behind the wheel as of next summer, following a landmark royal decree allowing women to drive — but they are still likely to be told to get a man’s permission to buy a car.
Women also cannot be released from prison after doing their sentence without the permission of a male guardian. Drivers licence or no, chattel is chattel.

Anyway, I'm gaining new insight into how the tiny state of Israel has so consistently fended off the massive troglodytic counterweight of Islam that surrounds them.


RELATED: It ain't just Saudi Arabia
A Muslim school leader says girls who wear shorts will be cursed by the Prophet Mohammed.

Almir Colan, a board member of Melbourne’s Garden College Islamic school, has railed against the Victorian government’s plan to allow girls to wear shorts in all state schools.
Shorts in Australia... oh the huge manatee!!!

You'd think Mohammed would have bigger fish to fry these days.