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21 August 2017

Remember, back in the day...

...when you were a kid, your friends & siblings were being cut down left and right..?

Yeah, me neither.round the hood
It's not the first time the Zero Gun Violence Movement has taken to the streets to call for stronger action on the problem. And many of the family members present on Saturday say they know the demonstration likely won't be their last.
Kudos to the patient CBC photographer who probably had to wait hours for this carefully framed photograph. The 4th estate has become the 5th column.


RELATED: Dear CBC, have you actually examined...

...a list of Toronto's murder victims from 2017?round the hoodDon't settle for just January... you can check out the year to date.

Yup, you can almost smell the journalism.


UPDATE: And the list just got bigger...
Toronto police have identified a man who was found shot dead in downtown Toronto on Sunday morning.

He was been identified as Khadr Mohamed, 22, of Toronto.

LAST WORD: Those dastardly Canadian traffickers...
BUFFALO, N.Y. – A Canadian man has been sentenced to 20 years in a U.S. federal prison for his role in a smuggling operation that sent more than $130 million worth of drugs between the United States and Canada.

Harinder Dhaliwal, of Brampton, Ontario, was sentenced on conspiracy charges Wednesday in federal court in Buffalo.