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20 August 2017

Problem solved... no more Nazis

nazis everywhereWent to Kingston, Ontario yesterday to do some shopping... they have a Lee Valley Tools... and ran smack into an... wait for it... anti-nazi demonstration. They were taking up half the street and the imbeciles at the front with the banner kept pushing over into the other lane to totally stop traffic.

The usual mix of smelly old hippies and obvious welfare types. One East Indian woman and a half dozen Chinese (clearly university students), but otherwise hastily recruited po' white trailer trash.

Asked the female bicycle cop leading the raggedy ensemble whether they actually had a significant nazi problem in Kingston... she smiled, shrugged and looked away. Half a dozen cops who wouldn't be fighting crime just babysitting these fools for hours. Easy money on a hot summer day, I guess.


RELATED: And forget about wearing brown shirts
Joshua Witt, 26, says he’d just pulled in to the parking lot of the Steak ’n Shake in Sheridan, Colo., and was opening his car door. “All I hear is, ‘Are you one of them neo-Nazis?’ as this dude is swinging a knife up over my car door at me. Apparently, my haircut is considered a neo-Nazi statement.”
Hmmm... are there any actual real world problems we could be thinking about?
The released report comes after France has experienced nine terror or attempted Islamist terror attacks since January 2017, including two this month.