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30 March 2017

Something to think about...

...before you climb on that big silver bird...
Four employees at Montreal’s Trudeau International Airport had their access levels scaled back for precautionary reasons as officials looked into the possibility they had been radicalized, according to a report by the Journal de Montréal.
Islamic terror... here in Canada?

Doesn't Justin's new law prevent us from even thinking that way? I'm sure there's nothing to be worr... sweet baby jebus...
"...visited pro-ISIL websites, published propaganda on social media and consulted an 'abnormal number' of documents explaining how to make homemade explosives."
Hmmm... what exactly is a "normal" number of IED-making documents? Are the first dozen visits deductible?

Never fear, though... the government has your ass, uh... I mean back...
"Aéroports de Montréal maintains the airport is safe and 'among the most secure locations there is'.”
I feel better already.


UPDATE: The numbers are alarming
An access to information request from Rebel Media to Transport Canada, found the number of national security clearances revoked and refused has been steadily rising.

In 2010, there were 31 cases where an individual was refused clearance, and 11 where previously-awarded security clearances were revoked.

By 2015, those figures had jumped to 110 refusals and 42 revocations.

RELATED: In other "Islamic" news...
“The whole police, we expect them to look after us. We expect them to have solidarity with us,” said Mohamed Elmi, who runs the family-owned Sambuza Restaurant.
Seriously, Mohamed... this is the hill you wanna die on? I don't seem to recall the "caucasian community" defending Paul Bernardo or Russell Williams.
What is known is that police responded to 911 calls reporting Abdi grabbing women’s breasts inside a Hintonburg coffee shop. Once police arrived, they found Abdi. Police Chief Charles Bordeleau said Monday that the man continued to be “assaultive.” He fled the area and police pursued. He was physically taken down by officers some 270 metres away on Hilda Street.
Did the women in the coffee shop not deserve to be protected from Abdirahman Abdi?