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30 March 2017

A piece of political pork...

...that would have made Tony Soprano blush...
One of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s closest friends is benefiting from an exclusive agreement between his data analytics company and the Liberal Party of Canada.

Data Sciences Inc, run by Trudeau’s boyhood friend, Tom Pitfield, is providing the party with “digital engagement” and support services for its powerful voter-contact database, Liberalist.

Neither the party nor Pitfield would say how much the agreement is worth to the firm, which Pitfield set up after his friend was elected party leader.
Of course, it's not like this is the Libranos first trip to the trough....
MONTREAL — Liberal Party of Canada CFO Chuck Rifici has become a multimillionaire in just a few months thanks to his stock-traded medical marijuana company, QMI Agency has learned.

Documents show Rifici's initial investment in Tweed Marijuana Inc. has so far sprouted into an $18-million bumper crop.

UPDATE: The wisdom of Pierre-Lite
When asked by a reporter if individuals expressing extremist views should be allowed to continue working at our country’s airports, Trudeau said... “I think that's part of the kind of conversations we have to have as a society.”

UPDATE2: There's a shocker
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau avoided a question today about why the Liberal Party hired his close friend Tom Pitfield to train people to use the party's database.