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21 December 2016

Actress Lena Dunham announced...

...during the most recent episode of her podcast “Women of the Hour” that she wishes she had undergone an abortion in order to combat “stigma around this issue.”
Uh... Go Hillary?

Of course... not everyone is marching in dumb as she seems**********

UPDATE: Apology? Not even close...
“You know how in some households you curse and have to put money in a jar? Well in mine, if you mess up your pro-choice messaging you have to give a sizable donation to abortion funds.”
I'd call that adding insult to injury.


RELATED: I do hope she occasionally...

...plans to clean out his kennel...
Despite being nauseated by the thought of a male baby - Ms Dunning will now have a new political project. One lasting the better part of two decades.
That unfortunate child.